Where are those fricken ROBOTS!!!

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Jonny Rocket
Kokoro Robot
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Postby Jonny Rocket » 21 years ago

I've been trying everywhere to find clips or info on the episode where Blue Tron is created and goes fighting gladiator style to become the strongest robot in the world.
That is by far my favourite episode. But I can't find anything on Aurora, Blue Tron, the detective, solar and Hercules robot.

Any links or pics would be really helpful

PS. I'm new to the forums. Whoever made this site did a good job. I like the layout and photoshop stuff. Better than the crap Astro stuff out there!
<span style=\'color:red\'><span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'font-family:Courier\'>Do you know urine is sterile. You can drink it.</span></span></span>

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Postby KELPIE » 21 years ago

That is from the episode "The Greatest Robot In The World" and it had 2 parts to it.

I have to agree, one of my favourite episodes as well. However I think you have miss heard the name "Blue Tron" as far as I know his name is Bruton.

After a Quick look on my hdd I found this:


I will have a look around and see what else I can find on him and the others. More than likely though once Mark will have some.

An interesting thing to note also is that it seems as though he has had a redesign and will hopefully appear in the upcoming new series. This is only an assumption, however you can see for your self:
Found on astroboy.jp

As for the other Robots your right they were great, it was a shame what happened to them :cry: Although I always thought that most of the other robots that only made it in there for one episode were great ?? not sure why?

Thanks for the Comments on the site. Yes Mark again, I just sat here and gave him a pat on the back for doing a good job. :P

Enjoy your stay here, your welcome as often as you like.

Jonny Rocket
Kokoro Robot
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Postby Jonny Rocket » 21 years ago

Those robots bring nostagia of my childhood back in the eighties!
Yeah, it one of the episodes where I got really depressed afterwards, especially the kindergarden minding Photar where he gets killed and leaves all the children crying.
My favourite was definately the detective robot. Lots of charima.. Not a bad fight for such a little guy! That is until some he gets calved on half by Bruton's horns.
The good thing was with probably all the Astroboy series, none of the fights ended cheaply. They put a titanic battle and although all get the same fate, you knew Bruton was superior than his rivals. Its rubs it in when you know he was the aggressor. In all TV and movies the thing that angers me the most is when fights and end cheap. Like the protagonist getting to the point of death then the bad guy 'accidently' falls of a cliff'. Godzilla is a golden example. Why don't they bloody nuke the place instead of wandering around with cookies?! Its one of those things that if you knew you where there you'd do a better job.
Actually when you think about it, is this stuff really suitable for kids? Losing life partners and girlfriends, infighting in the military, seeing good people actually dying... I guess they brought us up hard and tough compared to the Pokemon generation.

Enuff ranting, thanks for the help guys.
<span style=\'color:red\'><span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'font-family:Courier\'>Do you know urine is sterile. You can drink it.</span></span></span>

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Postby KELPIE » 21 years ago

Originally posted by Jonny Rocket@Apr 11 2003, 11:29 AM
you knew Bruton was superior than his rivals.

I wouldn't agee entirly. As Photon was more powerful and would have won. However Bruton knowing how Photon worked, fought him in a storm and refused to fight him in the sun. Thus alowing him to win.

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Postby EvilGenki » 21 years ago

Originally posted by Astro-Boy!!@Apr 11 2003, 01:36 PM
another forum:

would that be from another astroboy forum? If so..can you post the address? ;)

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