Welcome to AstroBoy Online

Welcome to AstroBoy Online! Here, you'll find a wealth of information regarding the world's most iconic robot hero, including:

  • A comprehensive list of all characters, from Alvin to Uran
  • A detailed guide of all series to date (1960s, 1980s, 2003, Little Astro Boy, and Go Astro Boy Go!) including an episode guide and detailed plot overviews for each one, complete with pictures
  • Exclusive information on the original manga, its many adaptions as well as the film
  • And much, much more

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This is the sixth volume of Naoki Urasawa's Pluto comic. First published July 2008, by Shogakukan.

Pluto… Sahad… Goji… Abullah… Mysterious figures somehow involved with the serial murders of the great robots of the world. Europol's top robot detective Gesicht has been put on the case, and he's mere steps away from discovering the horrifying truth behind the killer and his motives… Little does he realize that he's also steps away from discovering a horrifying truth of his own… Masterfully crafted science fiction and suspense at its best!