Tetsuwan April Challenge

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

Feel free to use any of my stories as a jumping off point for your own head canon. After all, that's what all of us have done with Tezuka's.

BTW, their fates were even more intertwined as the asteroid that Astro's device impacted into was the very one that Bem became imprisoned in!
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Bem - Postscript

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

Thought I'd add a final scene to the story

Mustachio stopped dead in his tracks as the aroma wafting though the air tickled his nose. He turned his head and sniffed, trying to determine from where the incredible fragrance was coming from. The effect on his olfactory triggered a sudden release of endorphin that flooded his brain's pleasure centers, causing him to drool with hunger.

Mustachio then spotted the new sign being hung in front of the storefront across the street. Astro hovered in mid air, holding the sign in place with one hand while inserting a bolt to attach it to the building with his other. The middle school teacher observed that the sign was plain and unattractive, it simply read 'Bakery'.

As he entered the establishment he was overcome by the heavy scent of the pastry that filled the shelves behind the glass counter. A robot with a large head of hair, covered by a tall baker's cap waved to him, and quickly returned his attention to his work as he popped a large tray into the oven to bake.

Astro then walked into the shop, "Sign's hung up, Bem!" he announced. "I guess we're ready for business!"

Mustachio placed his hands on his hips and smiled. "So you two have gone and done it, you're going into business?"

"That we have, Sensei." Astro smiled.

"Here, Mustachio San," Bem said, holding a tray out to the teacher. "Try some, it's on the house!"

Higeoyaji stuffed a bun into his mouth and started to chew. The effect on his face was instantaneous. "My god!" he gasped, "This is incredible! I've never tasted anything like this. Sweet, but not overpoweringly so, with just enough tartness and a hint of Wasabi and green tea."

"Glad you like it, sir." Bem smiled.

"I'm glad you decided to open a bake shop," Mustachio said. "It will be the best one in town!"

"Well actually, Astro insisted on it." Bem said. "He helped me get set up, and did most of the repair work on the building."

"Well when word of mouth gets around, you two are going to have to hire extra help!", Higeoyaji laughed as he walked out. "My My", he thought, "how wonderful to have Astro back, and Bem too!"

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

Rather than write a new Hoshie story, I think I will post a link to one that I wrote a few years back.....


:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Postby Earthshine » 8 years ago

"Tetsuwan Penguin" wrote:Thought I'd add a final scene to the story

Mustachio stopped dead in his tracks as the aroma wafting though the air tickled his nose. He turned his head and sniffed, trying to determine from where the incredible fragrance was coming from. The effect on his olfactory triggered a sudden release of endorphin that flooded his brain's pleasure centers, causing him to drool with hunger.

Mustachio then spotted the new sign being hung in front of the storefront across the street. Astro hovered in mid air, holding the sign in place with one hand while inserting a bolt to attach it to the building with his other. The middle school teacher observed that the sign was plain and unattractive, it simply read 'Bakery'.

As he entered the establishment he was overcome by the heavy scent of the pastry that filled the shelves behind the glass counter. A robot with a large head of hair, covered by a tall baker's cap waved to him, and quickly returned his attention to his work as he popped a large tray into the oven to bake.

Astro then walked into the shop, "Sign's hung up, Bem!" he announced. "I guess we're ready for business!"

Mustachio placed his hands on his hips and smiled. "So you two have gone and done it, you're going into business?"

"That we have, Sensei." Astro smiled.

"Here, Mustachio San," Bem said, holding a tray out to the teacher. "Try some, it's on the house!"

Higeoyaji stuffed a bun into his mouth and started to chew. The effect on his face was instantaneous. "My god!" he gasped, "This is incredible! I've never tasted anything like this. Sweet, but not overpoweringly so, with just enough tartness and a hint of Wasabi and green tea."

"Glad you like it, sir." Bem smiled.

"I'm glad you decided to open a bake shop," Mustachio said. "It will be the best one in town!"

"Well actually, Astro insisted on it." Bem said. "He helped me get set up, and did most of the repair work on the building."

"Well when word of mouth gets around, you two are going to have to hire extra help!", Higeoyaji laughed as he walked out. "My My", he thought, "how wonderful to have Astro back, and Bem too!"

:heart: :heart: :heart: And a true happy ending indeed!

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

I slightly edited the story and posted it on FF.net

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Postby YJ_Doodle » 8 years ago

Uhhhh... I tried to make a Hoshie? And she looks totally different, whoopsies. I probably made her much younger than she actually was, but then again, I'm not good at drawing middle aged people.

I really do hope that scientist coat lady controlling the geometrical shapes is Hoshie, though. It'd be so cool to know more about her. Yes I am talking about the reboot again, because I can't help it :d oh:
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Postby Earthshine » 8 years ago

She's cute! I believe she was supposed to be somewhere in her 30s but I don't think it ever said explicitly how old she was. This picture is a really nice though, she looks so happy and optimistic. Perhaps this is her college self catching sight of a certain tall, lanky engineering major?

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Postby YJ_Doodle » 8 years ago

Actually, I drew her thinking she was in college! Which was where I thought she met Dr. Tenma :)

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All in the mind of the beholder

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

And now it's Tobio's turn. Here is a story based on one I posted on FanFiction some time ago. The opening and closing scenes are based on the last episode of the TV show "Saint Elsewhere". Now I ask the question, What if Astro had only been a figment of Tobio's imagination?

All in the mind of the beholder

Tobio shook the snow globe in his hand. The hollow glass sphere was filled with a liquid in which tiny white particles of plastic 'snow' were suspended. As he caused the fluid to swill around a snow storm raged about the model of the Ministry of Science building at the bottom of the globe. Three figures stood outside the building in the storm, they were perfect representations of Doctor Tenma, Professor Ochanomizu, and Tobio himself.

The boy set the snow globe on the desk and watched as he, his father and god-father were surrounded by the blizzard. Soon they were buried up to their necks in a plastic snow drift.

The huge truck came out of nowhere as Tobio's scooter rounded the corner. He didn't have a chance to get out of its way, the monster vehicle was moving too fast. The boy lay in a coma in a hospital bed, trapped in his own thoughts while the doctors worked on his damaged body.

Atom opened his eyes and slowly raised his head. The various wires that were attached to contacts all over his body fell away as he sat up on the operating table. He blinked his eyes, trying to clear his vision, he was seeing two Dr. Tenmas standing next to each other, slowly whirling about. He blinked again and the vision cleared. The sound of the Doctor calling his name echoed and reverberated, slowly his hearing also grew sharp and he could understand what his creator was saying.
“Tobio!” Dr. Tenma cried out to the robot. He reached out to the mechanical copy of his son and hugged it with tears in his eyes.

Atom stared at the boy with the auburn hair with two cowlicks that stuck out exactly the same way his own spiky points did. He'd fallen from the sky after being attacked by the mental monsters that he had tried to save Mustachio from. Standing next to the boy that looked just like himself was Professor Ochanomizu and Dr. Tenma. Only they weren't! Atom soon learned that the explosion at the dam had hurled him into a parallel universe. Dr. Elephin introduced himself and Dr. Boyton, along with his son Astor.

“I've got to help you defeat these monsters from outer space and free your world from their control,” Astro said.

“Well we've been working on a plan to do just that,” Mr. Pompus laughed. “We can certainly use your help,” Dr. Boyton agreed.

Dr. Boyton's tank rolled through the city blasting the metal robots as it went. Astro flew along with Mr. Pompus, they reactivated the cities robots that had been shut down by the alien invaders. The growing crowd of robots and humans began to attack their tormentors.

Just as the tank reached the tower containing the alien computer brain, it was struck by a magnetic weapon and froze in it's tracks. Astor leaped from the tank armed with a ray gun while Astro smashed int the tower. He grabbed hold of the alien computer and flew high into the sky with it, and then dove toward the ground, smashing the machine to bits.

The armada of spaceships left the earth with all of humankind on board. With the sun swelling in size and increasing in brightness, the world had begun to heat up. The oceans had started to evaporate, terrible storms lashed out at the coastlines. Atom and all of the other robots who remained behind on the Earth, waved goodbye to the departing spaceships. The planet's human population, save for those that were now seeking shelter from the increasing heat by moving toward the polar regions of the planet, were leaving for space to join the colonies on the Moon, or Mars, or just live in the huge spaceships until the day that the sun might return to normal. Atom would lead the robots in keeping watch on the Earth, so that the human race might have a home to return to, should that day ever come.

Atom watched as the Earth grew smaller in his view scope, and the sun loomed larger and larger. A robot scientist had created a device that, in theory, would return the sun to normal and allow human life on Earth to return. He was piloting a spaceship carrying the device, all of the robots left behind on Earth, and the humans out in space were watching his progress via telescopes.

The sun was now in range, and the instruments indicated a clear launch window. Atom released the nose cone of the rocket and the device flew free of his ship, heading for the sun. As Atom changed course to return to Earth via a long intersecting orbit, he saw in his telescope that the projectile had been struck by a meteor and was now off course on a path that would never bring in close enough to the star to be of any use. He knew he had to put the device back on target, but his rocket ship was now heading away from the device it didn't have enough fuel to intercept it. Atom opened the airlock and flew under his own rocket power toward the missile. He held on tightly to it and pushed it back on the right path toward the sun.

Atom looked back at the Earth and smiled. He didn't have enough power to return to his spaceship, his only option was to drift in space and watch his projectile reach its target. He began to feel the heat from the sun, and realized that he might soon begin to melt. Atom didn't feel any sorrow, he was happy to be the instrument of human salvation. He slowly lost consciousness as his power wained.

Dr. Tenma and his wife Hoshie were awakened in the middle of the night by a phone call from the hospital.
“His EEG as spiked, it looks like he's coming out of it!” Dr. Tezuka told the scientist.
“What is it?” Hoshie asked.
“Maybe the miracle we were hoping for all these years.” her husband replied.

Tobio opened his eyes and gazed around the room. The darkness of deep space was gone. He looked around him and saw the faces of the hospital doctors and nurses, and he was deeply confused. Tobio looked down at himself, and rubbed his hand over his chest. Where was the latch that opened the panel? He couldn't find it. Tobio ran his hands though his hair, the stiff spikes were gone, he felt only the soft fibers of his uncombed locks. A look of panic crossed his face.

Dr. Tenma and Hoshie walked into the hospital room, and looked at their son. The boy was several inches taller than they remembered, for even while lying on the bed with tubes in his nose and IV's attached to his arms, his body had grown slowly over the years while he was in a near vegetative state.

“How did I get back from the sun?” Tobio asked. “I was melting from the heat. How did I end up here?”

His parents looked at him with some confusion.

Another doctor entered the room.

“I heard that Tobio has regained consciousness.” the surgeon said.

“Yes, Kuro.” Dr. Tezuka replied to his colleague, “He has. But he seems very confused. I believe that he's just awakened from a long dream and has confused that with reality.”

“I was dreaming?” Tobio asked. He again examined his body. “I'm not a robot anymore?”

“You never were.” His god-father told him. Professor Ochanomizu bent down to look his god-son in the eyes. “We're glad you're back.”

Sitting on a night stand next to his bed was a snow globe. Tobio noticed it and picked it up. He swirled the liquid around and watched the plastic snow drift about and around the Ministry of Science. Standing in front of the building were life like figures of Dr. Tenma, Professor Ochanomizu, and a bare chested boy with Tobio's face. He had sharp spike like cowlicks, and was wearing red boots and a tight fitting pair of dark pants with a wide green belt around the waist. They were all surrounded by the blizzard and were soon buried up to their necks in a plastic snow drift.
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Postby YJ_Doodle » 8 years ago

Who do you think he's talking to? :)
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