Your Favorite Tezuka Character

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Postby Breakman » 21 years ago

My favorite character is Kenichi.

Kenichi is a boy of innocence and an insight of how childhood should be (I think so). His full character showed in the 2003 "Metropolis" where he was caring and does what his heart tells him to do. In the Astro mangas, he kinda changed a bit, but changed for the better. He is a leader who stands for a purpose.

What's your favorite character in Tezuka's works?

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Postby DrFrag » 21 years ago

Which Astro manga was Kenichi in?

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Postby Breakman » 21 years ago

He's in Manga 1 ("Hot Dog Corps"), Manga 2 (cover only), and Manga 4 ("Robot Land"). Those are the only ones I really saw him in. (I'm missing books 3, 7, 9, 11 and up.) He's the class president. Usually everyone calls him "Ken".

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Postby EvilGenki » 21 years ago

I can't really choose a favourite, because I haven't read all of tezukas manga or all his anime...its hard to choose.

:o but I would say.. Atlus..his human self is cool and rebellious and his Robot form is just as cool.

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Postby jeffbert » 21 years ago

I would have to say that my favorite villian is
Ham Egg.


Why, becuase as I, an Atom (Astroboy) fan
60s Show

80s remake


was watching Kimba the White Lion
Image on DVD, here he is the evil ringmaster of the Robot Circus as seen in "The Birth of Astroboy" as the evil big-game hunter Viper Snakely. I, not knowing that he was merely one of many 'actors' in Osamu's world, was just plain tickled by this. Moreover, he seems to play a comic-relief role. On the second disc, we zoom into a tent, and see a television tuned to the Astroboy cartoon. Guess who is sitting there watching it. I likewise found this very amusing. :D

Overall, though either Atom Imageor Uran Image would be my favorite character. Little kids who remain little, remain cute, silly, and squeaky. The cute way in which the robotic children lead their daily lives doing the same things but in different ways is most amusing. 30th Anniversary tape 03, Astroboy goes to school shows them getting ready for school one morning. Atom goes through a mechanical kid washer, a heat lamp dryer, and both are dressed for school by a large press that applies clothes the same way a similiar press puts caps on bottles. And of course, there is the cute and undignified way, in which they take their daily fuel . As characters, they are Most amusing. While Atom is the main character, Uran fills two different functions. First, she is comic-relief, and second she is the damsel in distress. She is especially amusing in the 80s color remake, but I will defer this topic to a later date.

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 20 years ago

I'd have to say Astro too. Something about a boy robot trying to live as a normal boy even though being one of the most powerful robots ever makes him real adorable.
And somehow, I get this urge to want to hug him when he's crying or upset. That and I happen to like kids anyway.

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Postby Haruka-chan » 20 years ago

my fav Tezuka character....besides Atom you mean (because nothing can beat him ^^v) ^__^ well that would have to be Kenichi. He is actually in quite a few manga....i have the first two darkhorse ones two japanese ones that are ordered differently.....i cant remember what the comics were called that he is in >_< will check when i get home. He also appears in a few of Tezuka's other works, can't remember off the top of my head....Metropolis of course but also Lost World with Daddy Walrus (damn me for not commiting his japanese name to head yet ^^; )

I find it quite interesting how his design is changed for the newer series. I think its good to have other main characters of obviously different ethnic backgrounds....however as i am so fond of his original design i'm a bit ticked off they choose him for it ^^; Actually the first anime styled character of my own i based a lot of Kenichi's style. I also think i have quite a few Ken picts i collected ages ago ^_^ will find them on my CD and upload them to the ftp when i get a chance (damn Uni assignments >_<)

EDIT: Kenichi has been in:
In New Treasure Island
As Shikishima Kenichi in Lost World
As Mitsuo in Black Jack: The Leg of an Ant
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Postby Haruka-chan » 20 years ago

ok i uploaded my Kenichi images to Anapan's FTP server. they are in the upload folder at the moment as a zip
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Postby jeffbert » 20 years ago

Higeoyaji (Doctor Walrus) (Ban Shunsaku) is Tezuka's most used actor. Click the performance list to see what I mean.

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Postby otaku » 20 years ago

it have to be
uran because she lookse like me
ans susaka ban he funny he reminds me of mf my brother chris

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