Heart Broke

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Heart Broke

Postby stoogefreaky » 17 years ago

:( Has anyone here had their heart broke?

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Postby CommanderEVE » 17 years ago

Not heart, but feelings and ect.

I know what it feels like when you are noting and you feel like to not worth living.

What has happend?

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Postby stoogefreaky » 17 years ago

Thanks for listening Sparx!

Yesterday I was so depressed that I could not stop feeling like or actually crying all day! Now I know how Astro felt when he had to leave Niki. Although, my situation is somewhat different. I was in love with someone and he loved me. I actually thought him and I could make it work. We even sat down and talked about how we felt and how slow we should go and stuff. I thought we were doing the right things. Yeah, there was some moments we shouldn't had done, but I'm glad and happy I was able to experince those moments I had thought I was never going to.

Later he then tells me the truth, telling me he was not ready for an relationship and he had felt like he was not being himself sometimes when he was around me. He wanted to be just my friend and nothing more.

I'm heartbroken and it hurts soo much, yesterday I just wanted to kill myself. He was perfect for me. I don't think I will ever meet anyone like him. I GO FOR THE NERDS! I'm just a different type of girl! He thought I was like all girls but I'm not. I don't mind when he talked geeky at times, times when he felt bad about being like around me. Really, I was not turned off when he was being himself. It was when he was not being himself, meaning he was going to fast and acting all lovey dovey when really I know nerds aren't the type to do so on the second date! I loved him who he was deep inside. I still love him. I'm actually trying to hate him right now so I can be happy.

He told me he was still in love with me... I don't know what to do. My heart achs so bad!
Last edited by stoogefreaky on Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Astro Forever » 17 years ago

Oooh, that must hurt indeed, soogefreaky! :cry:

I'm sure that what I'm going to say will sound absolutely ridiculous, but everybody who has experienced this will probably tell you the same: you will feel better with time. Yeah, I know it doesn't help right now...

Try to do something that you like, or to get out with a friend if you can, just to take your mind off it a little.

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Postby stoogefreaky » 17 years ago

I'll try. Although, even when I'm trying to do something just to forget about him... I can't do anything.

But, I feel I will get better. I just slowly have to move on I guess and leave him permanently even though I knew he was the one.

I will never fall in love ever again. Besides, if I fullfill my dream, I might not have time for any love.

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Postby Astro Forever » 17 years ago

"stoogefreaky" wrote:I just slowly have to move on I guess and leave him permanently even though I knew he was the one.

I will never fall in love ever again.

Some have said this, too, only to say they found an even better person after...

But, yes, it's better to try to move on than to keep trying to get the guy back, even though it seems to make it worse at first.

Take care of yourself! :heart:

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Postby PuppetMasterKuruku » 17 years ago

I'm sorry. I've never been loved and I've never dated, but I can only imagine how bad you must feel. I've had my feelings hurt plenty though, it always made me sad in school that few people would talk to me and how people would talk about me behind my back, play pranks on me, and other such things that have angered me so greatly that I'd rather just forget some of the things I have done. I don't think I care much for people, I've always tried to love and be kind, but nobody seems to think and act like that. If I met somebody like myself I'd be pretty happy, but most people just seem evil by nature, which can be reflected by the ills that have emerged in society.

I've always been a very lonely person, so you can feel lucky that you've had a love interest I suppose. They say "t'is better to have loved than to never have loved at all". I don't know if that's true.

I have just always tried to be nice to others, but this kindness is usually never returned by anything but cruelty and spite. I'm very weak, physically and mentally, and I can't do much for people, and it seems like they take advantage of me for what it's worth, to the point where I begin to question whether trying to be as altruistic as I am is worth it. There's not much I can do to redeem my existence other than to be nice to others as much as I can, and generally ignore myself for the fact that I find myself worthless. Deep down, I think I have a bitter hatred of humanity and I'm really not sure how long I can hide it, and I'm constantly in torment. I think I may very well be an unlovable person for reasons I simply can't grasp, but there's no reason for you to give up on love just yet.

We live in a very hard world, and I think very few people know happiness. Happiness is to be content with what you have, but I see a future of misery and poverty for myself, and I'm not sure that's something I can live with. I feel sick, sad, tired, exhausted, fatigued, depressed, and just about everything else. I've given up on love, and it doesn't much help that there's little point in trying to love another person when you can't promise them much of anything.

For one that served under Dracula, you seem much too weak.
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Postby CommanderEVE » 17 years ago

I understand how you feel; it’s just a little different.

I had four great friends one of them was my best friend, I liked him better then my mum at one point he was the only person I could think of, then one day for some reason one of my friends out of the four not the one I really liked but the one I just meet about two years ago. He was telling the other three friends not to talk to be because he said that I’m a lire and I bully. So one by one I lost my friends, I was crying like there was no tomorrow, I did not know what was going on I only found out about a year later.

It happened on the 21st of July 2006, they all E-mailed me saying “I hate, just leave be alone I never want to see you again!” Then they started bullying me in school, then they stopped, and right now they are starting again. But I’m allot stronger then before, the first time they bullied be I was crying my heart out and letting them walk all over me, and I was begging them to be my friend.

But now I can just laugh in there faces! And they get so mad, I just laugh more, and they try to cover up they are getting owned by cussing me more, so I wind them up and make one for them go for me and I hit them hard and they get the blame. It serves them right, look what they did to me!

Any way, the best thing to do is that try and forget about it, I know it’s hard I found it hard too, I was crying all night all day, I could not get to sleep, I wouldn’t eat I always had this weird feeling of butterflies in my stomach all the time. This lasted for half a year.
But I just comforted my self around family, and I felt a better soon.

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Postby crazyd2000 » 17 years ago

It seems like you toughened up since your emotional tragedy. I have stuff like this left and right, but there was a friend that I had, that I liked a little, and I thought they liked me. It became clear they didn't. Then it became public that I liked her, and she found out, so she didnt even want to be my friend anymore. I found that out form a friend, so it was worse. I became very sad for a week, and she thought it was because she didnt like me, and I coudnt explain the real reason. Im over it now. The entire thing was my fault.

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Postby Latu » 16 years ago

Sorry to hear...I know I'm a little late but I have problems I don't think I would like to discuss.... Hope you feel better now :)
"Astro, you must exceed the limitations that humans cannot!
You must be go beyond nationality, ethnicity,
pilosophy, and religion,
starvation and poverty,
and war!
Exceed these limitations created by man!
You must fly high! Higher than any human has ever flown before!
To reach for the future that no human has been able to so far!"
:tenma: :astro:

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