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Postby Robin » 10 years ago

Which rap battles are your favorite?

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Postby Juanita » 10 years ago

Well I've only seen a couple so I don't really have a favorite... Do you have a favorite?

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Postby Robin » 10 years ago

Darth Vader vs Adolf Hitler 2
Mr T vs Mr Rodgers

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Postby Earthshine » 10 years ago

I remember the Darth Vader vs Hitler rap battle, very funny.

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Postby Juanita » 10 years ago

I think I've seen that one, but it was a while ago. I'll have to look them up.

On another note, I almost got drunk yesterday. My mom and I went to a food sampling party (for free aww yeah) that was really mainly for adults. I was talking with my friend at the dessert table, and I had started eating some pudding. I noticed it tasted funny and my head started to feel weird. What I didn't notice was the pudding was Bourbon pudding a.k.a. alcohol pudding. They also had jelly made with/ from wine that they served with some kind of meat. I know they normally cook the alcohol out, but I really don't think they did. After all, it was an adult party with champagne. Luckily the portions were so small that I was able to stop myself from getting drunk. :p

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Postby Windswept Cloak » 10 years ago

I never intend to drink wine. Even when I'm 18 I won't touch wine or even beer. :lol:
I joined this forum in late 2013 when I was 15 going on 16. Ignore my oldest posts, they embarrass me so much that I've considered permanantly leaving the forum more than once. I've grown out of my fangirling phase over Black Jack, Atom and Uran ages ago but the memories still embarrass me at times... :unsure: Though, I try to be more open-minded about it and accept it as an "interesting stage of my life". :tezuka:

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Postby Juanita » 10 years ago

Wine is actually really nasty (red wine at least). In fact, I haven't liked any kind of alcohol I've tasted (most of it was cooked out foods so only the taste was left). I've had vodka pasta, and that's actually pretty good. Beer smells nasty too...
I don't intend to drink wine or beer at all, but maybe I'll try some fruity drinks when I'm older.

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Postby Shiyonasan » 10 years ago

As someone who is old enough to drink, I'll also say that I have no interest in drinking alcohol. Admittedly, I did take a sip of a drink with a small amount of alcohol back at a family wedding in August, but that was only because I was offered the drink by a family member. I told them I'd only take a sip, and they were understanding.

The idea of drinking beer, wine, vodka, or any alcoholic drink just isn't appealing to me. It's strange too, because a good number of my family members do drink alcohol. Fortunately, all but one of them are responsible with their drinking. That one person is my uncle, who is starting to suffer the consequences of drinking and smoking heavily.

Speaking of smoking, I never intend to do that either. Smoking is even more unappealing to me than drinking.

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Postby Juanita » 10 years ago

I don't understand why anyone would want to even try smoking. It smells gross, it probably tastes gross, and it's detrimental to one's health.

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

Wine is part of certain religious ceremonies, but usually not in huge quantities. In the Jewish sabbath a blessing is said over wine and one needs to just consume a 'taste' of it. During the Passover meal, there is a custom to have four cups of wine (two before the meal, and two after) though no mention is made of the 'size' of the portions. As a kid I was given a small cup of wine and usually only had a sip or two before the cup was refilled (so I didn't really have THAT much). Also the Mogen David wine was not THAT alcoholic (It is an almost sickeningly sweet red wine, suitable for hand to hand combat). I remember getting a bit of a buzz on during the Seder, but not really drunk. (The REALLY young kids, say under 6 years old got grape juice.)

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