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Does Uran remind you of somebody?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:19 pm
by Toshio
For me, Uran reminds of Lume which was a girl who appeared in Metalder which was a pretty dramatic live action from the 1980s which unfortunatelly was mutilated and transformed into part of the ridiculous VR Troopers.
Lume was a robot created by Balsac from Neroz Empire and she seemed to be an amnesic girl whose Metalder could not differ from a human being.
But, she had a terrible secret: a bomb which would explode if Metalder transformed to his combat mode.
The reason that Uran reminds Lume is because both are little girl robots with feelings and were pretty cheerful.
But, with the difference that Lume was made to destroy Metalder, though she doesn't even knew the real reason which she was created and neither wished Metalder to be destroyed because of her.
And I really like the fact Uran is Atom's sister and will never have such fate which Lume had.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:00 pm
by Anime Girl
Uran makes me think of my little sis. She is cute, tomboyish, a little stubborn at times, just like Uran.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:57 pm
by Prettywitchiusaka
Zoran doesn't really remind me of anyone per say. If anything, I see Zoran as an archetype, but an archetype done right none the less.

Keep in mind that Zoran fills a very common role in many kids anime; the annoying sibling. Usually, annoying siblings are...well annoying brats who exist solely to make their older siblings life a living heck. Zoran is different though; she's annoying, yes. But she's not unlikeable. What makes Zoran stand out to me is not that she's bratty, but that she's a sweet, adventurous little girl, who just happens to be bratty. And even if she and astro get on each others nerves, they still care for each other.

At least that's my take on it.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:25 pm
by Toshio
Uran was basically one of the first little sister archtype.
And I can't say she reminds of Roll, because Uran existed long time ago.
I only pointed out that she reminded of Lume, because Metalder came first in Brazil.
And instead of Tetsuwan Atom 1963 or Tetsuwan Atom 1983, we got Jetter Mars in Brazil.
And Tetsuwan Atom 2003 came few time after the american release, but we got the cuts since they wished to take the american version as refference for dub.
Another thing which Uran reminds of is when a character from Beast Wars tried to stop a battle of two other transformers who were like brothers, but they got into different sides. That robot got in the middle of the blast of the two rivals and got destroyed.
I got pretty shocked when Uran got in the middle of the blast launched by both Atom adn Pluto in the 2003 series, but she don't got scrapped at least.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:43 am
by AstroBoyGF
she reminds me of my little brother. like he is a boy version of uran.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:50 am
by avatargirl
HI- HUGS GIGGLES - HE MUST be a cute sweet brother ASTROBOYGF- URAN reminds me of how ASTROBOY would be if he was a sweet girly girl robot girl! so cute and SWEET !