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This movie makes me sad...

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:49 am
by Laughing Dragon
...because I want MORE.

Imagi did such a superb job with that movie. It makes me sad that many people ignored it, and that, as a result, a sequel isn't being planned (at least not at present). Astro Boy did pretty good on DVD/Blu-Ray, and people rave about it on Twitter, but I don't know if that's enough to put Astro back in action again.

It just sucks, because I want MORE. :( :astro:

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:13 am
by AstroBoyGF
then we got to give the movie more publicity and tell what the fans think about it not these film critics. and i'm not saying that everyone is not right to say what they want, but WE as THE FANS need to tell our story and how we feel about the movie. you see people some times just listen to this film critics and amused then the viewers are gonna be like oh it must be bad cause they say its bad. but if we spread the word around the internet on how the movie is good from our point of view. so basically we got to promote it!^^ then MAY BEEE and the fact that i still have my twitter account and i can STILL TALK TO DAVE BOWERS and i could talk to him about it with the power of persuasion...

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:40 am
by AprilSeven
I loved it too -- and my husband, who has heard me yammer on about Astro Boy all these years, actually teared up -- he "got" it. It was WAY beyond most of what's out there. I would like to write the people who created it and thank/encourage them -- and believe me, I talk it up to everyone I can.

At work the Happy Meal Astros from Micky-D's get a LOT of attention -- and then I launch into "you've got to see the movie!" I'm thinking of lending it out -- just to help spread the word quicker. If folks have addresses we can write or email (not personal stuff, but legit contact info) maybe we can start sending messages. I want more in the style of the movie, and I'd love to see Pluto made as live-action. It's just a great story in all it's forms.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:32 am
by Alittleacorn
I read a while ago from info a few days before Astro Boy came out at the cinema's that if the movie did well it'd be in line for a sequel... :cry: I really don't understand why it was a box office failure, I prefered it to Avatar, even if that movie had cooler graphics, Astro Boy has replay value and movies rarely do that for me.

To tell you the true I was pretty much a depressed person before, you wouldn't believe it seeing me now. Watching the movie and getting into the Astro Boy series is the best thing i've ever done, and crazy as it sounds has changed my life for the better, who knows where i'd be right now if I hadn't seen that movie.

So if a movie about a boy with rocket boots can get me out of the blues, think of what it could do for others.

That's why I agree with AprilSeven we should spread the message to people how great Astro Boy truely is. They shouldn't judge it for it's child like appearance, the storyline has heart in it, they'd see that if they'd only give it a chance!

Maybe we could even e-mail Imagi inquiring about a sequel. They replied to me once about a different inquiry so there's nothing to say they wouldn't answer about that.

This is their contact e-mail from their website.

No spamming them people, and try to write formal (Dear sir/madam Dear Imagi) (Yours sincerely) This is a company not a friend on msn messenger :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:25 pm
by Laughing Dragon
"Alittleacorn" wrote:I read a while ago from info a few days before Astro Boy came out at the cinema's that if the movie did well it'd be in line for a sequel... :cry: I really don't understand why it was a box office failure, I prefered it to Avatar, even if that movie had cooler graphics, Astro Boy has replay value and movies rarely do that for me.

To tell you the true I was pretty much a depressed person before, you wouldn't believe it seeing me now. Watching the movie and getting into the Astro Boy series is the best thing i've ever done, and crazy as it sounds has changed my life for the better, who knows where i'd be right now if I hadn't seen that movie.

So if a movie about a boy with rocket boots can get me out of the blues, think of what it could do for others.

That's why I agree with AprilSeven we should spread the message to people how great Astro Boy truely is. They shouldn't judge it for it's child like appearance, the storyline has heart in it, they'd see that if they'd only give it a chance!

Maybe we could even e-mail Imagi inquiring about a sequel. They replied to me once about a different inquiry so there's nothing to say they wouldn't answer about that.

This is their contact e-mail from their website.

No spamming them people, and try to write formal (Dear sir/madam Dear Imagi) (Yours sincerely) This is a company not a friend on msn messenger :lol:

Yes, Astro Boy is very much a re-watchable, uplifting movie. It's like a tonic in these cynical times. I like your idea about e-mailing Imagi. I'm going to compose a good letter and send it to them this weekend. Thanks! :astro:

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:58 pm
by Faram45
Alittleacorn The same thing happened to me.
After watching the movie I got into anything that has something to do with Astro Boy.
Im still wondering about the 2003 series though. :\
Any chance there is a Japanese version with English subtitles?

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:27 am
by CommanderEVE
I have yet to see the new CGI movie. :D

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:56 am
by Faram45
Its.......... Different.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:30 am
by LLM
"Faram45" wrote:Alittleacorn The same thing happened to me.
After watching the movie I got into anything that has something to do with Astro Boy.
Im still wondering about the 2003 series though. :\
Any chance there is a Japanese version with English subtitles?

Someone I follow on Youtube might upload the Japanese English sub.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:33 am
by Faram45