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Atom Cat - The Astro Spinoff

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:07 am
by Fauna
A few days ago, I came across a ZIP file of an Astro Boy spinoff, circa 1986, called Atom Cat. Unfortunately, I found it on a Hungarian website, so it's in the respective language. And since it's 35 pages (and late at night out here) I can't put up too much pages in one post. Text links; reads right-to-left; in Hungarian...

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Our story begins with a recap of Astro's origin. This time, Tobio crashes because the car won't stop. Dr. Tenma builds Astro, and things are the usual.

Tsugio's father puts his son in a headlock
Turns out, it's all a manga being read by our boy hero Tsugio, who suspiciously resembles the title character in the 1987 "David and the Magic Pearl".

Father likes his robots, Tsugio goes to school
As we can see, Father is interested in robotics and has constructed a mouse robot. I'm sure he's also stating that he wants his son to get into the biz as well.

Astro is not a horse
Tsugio seems to have a bullying problem, and he wishes that Astro Boy were his friend so Astro could protect him. With that, he runs into...

The bullies
They steal his glasses and books and throw them in the garbage pile, so Tsugio gets looking and finds...

Cat in a box, Clean it up
He takes the cat home, washes it, and notices the cat kinda looks like Astro. The cat immediately takes over the house, clawing everything and crapping in Father's mousebot maze. Mother gets antagonizedas well, with the cat digging up various creatures and bringing them inside.

The final straw comes when the cat meows one night, causing Father to throw a clock and accidentally hit Mother. The next morning, Mother tells Tsugio that he must send the cat away.

No brakes!
Tsugio and the cat are heading down a hill. The boy is depressed that he is about to lose his new pet, when he decides to stop the bike. Tsugio suddenly realizes that his brakes don't work. That, and there's an appoaching car up the lane!


Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 4:15 am
by jeffbert
I read this story, & found it quite funny. I at first thought Nukunuku was based upon the Hot Dog Corps, but this story seems even closer to hers. :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:59 pm
by Fauna
I'm back!

Car Crash
The bike and the car collide, prompting both the occupants to get out and check on Tsugio and the cat. Neither of them have mouths. Neither the kid or cat are all right, so they take them in and drive off.

They're bloody aliens
The two take off their masks (explaining the lack of mouths) and use some projector to look in Tsugio's mind. They see Astro, and compare it to the cat (who is critically injured) and begin to put robotic parts in the cat. The male alien soon finishes, so the aliens drop Tsugio and the cat off at the place they were hit. Watch out for the third panel; Tsugio is anatomically correct there.

Astro/Atom Cat
Tsugio wakes up to see his bike in perfect shape, and that he is now the proud owner of Atom Cat. (Do I call it Astro or Atom Cat?) The bullies show up as well, and begin to tear off Tsugio's clothes. Atom Cat, however, doesn't like this at all.

Everything on this page disturbs me
After Atom Cat gives back Tsugio's glasses, the two head home. however, they discover the house has collapsedand Father may be under the rubble. It seems there's nobody who can pick up the rubble, as to which Mother strangles Tawashi.

Atom Cat in action
He begins to pick up the rubble, and flies up (The last panel reminds me of the Magnomite incident in the 2003 series). Atom Cat flies away, to the surprise ofthe onlookers and Osamu Tezuka (he's there).

Last Page
Finally, it turns out Father was never under the rubble, thus angering Tawashi for being strangled by Mother. Thus, we end with Tsugio and Atom Cat standing before the sunset.

And that's the end of it. I think there's a second volume, but I can't find it on the internet.
Goodnight, everybody.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:49 am
by Strange Wings
:w00t: What a cute story! Thanks a lot for your effort of providing us with those scans!

Do you speak hungarian?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:49 pm
by Ataru Moroboshi
This is just awesome, fantastic, marvelous, wonderful, cool... And all the possible adjectives.

Fauna, you rule! I wanted to see it since I saw the cover at Tezuka world!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:38 pm
by stoogefreaky
Aw! Great Story!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:54 pm
by Fauna
"Strange Wings" wrote: :w00t: What a cute story! Thanks a lot for your effort of providing us with those scans!

Do you speak hungarian?

:lol: Nah, the comic scanlation that I found was in Hungarian, and I had to guess what was going on.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:02 pm
by Latu
Awesome! Sounds like a great story!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:03 pm
by Haruka-chan
Wow thanks! I always wanted to see some pages of Atom Cat. You seem to link to page 34 twice though, can you post the link to page 35?

Wow I haven't been to this forum in AGES!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:52 pm
by Fauna
I checked the scans, and only page 28 is misplaced. As soon as I redownload the ZIP file, I'll get it up. (That Hungarian site takes so long to load...:shifty :)