Shorty: Astro meets Glenn Beck

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Shorty: Astro meets Glenn Beck

Postby dannavy85 » 17 years ago


Glenn Beck interview with Astro.

GB: Welcome back to the Glenn Beck program! By now most of you have decided to order from our on-line store the new book called “Stupid Human Pet Tricks.” Written by the world’s most foremost expert on Human/robot relations, my stubby crayon chewing friend across from my seat, Astro Tenma.

AB: Those crayons are very tasty by the way.

GB: Now we asked your arch rival Atlas to be here and he wrote back to us this…

Finally! I have Astro eating his words about his misplaced and overly buoyant confidence in humans. I am pleased at long last to have been proven right and hope that soon Astro will agree with me that humans created us robots to both assure their continue evolution and provide for the well being and safe guarding of the planet Earth.

GB: So is he right?

AB: (Laughing) If he wants to call un-flushed toilets a validation of his temper tantrums, go right ahead hot stuff.

GB: I read through the first two chapters of your book so far. My daughter can’t stop laughing herself silly. You really mean this as more of a comedic assault on things we humans tend to mess up than as an indictment against us right?

AB: Well….the first half of the book. After being around for almost ten years and getting used to humans I thought they needed a little reminder that they need a little more “evolutionary prodding” I mean a species that can get to the moon, perfect the computer, design robots and yet still can’t flush a toilet or better yet tries to weld a chain to a hand grenade? Come on.

GB: A chain to a hand grenade?

AB: Yeah. Some human tried that in Croatia, thought it would be the perfect chimney cleaning tool. Obviously the grenade won out.

GB: But you robots aren’t exactly models of perfection, I mean come on.

AB: We were built by humans, what do you expect? But we do have a shave advantage with the common sense thing….some times…on good days…when it’s not cold out… ok, part of the time.

GB: I have to admit though, some of what you’ve found about humans is downright scary to me. The drunk driver story for one thing.

AB: Yeah…had his 4-year old daughter in the car and disabled the protection systems in his vehicle because he called them a nuisance. That was the first time I felt a real honest emotional rage and the more I looked into that problem, the more upset I became over it. The numbers I show in the book are real statistics, humans still drive intoxicated despite everything others have done to stop it. Honestly you can understand why Atlas acts as he does when he’s given so many excuses for it.

GB: Which is why he sounds as if he’d embrace an all encompassing “nanny state” right?

AB: He can scream about that till he burns up, if he had his way every human wouldn’t be touching a spoon and have to live in hamster balls watching Smurfs all day long. Then there wouldn’t be any more robots, I couldn’t get in trouble with my human school buddies and we’d run out of ice cream and I’ll end up kicking his stupid metal butt all over New Shinjuku.

GB: Do you really thing in some cases that maybe we humans need a little “padded cell” to keep our hands and minds from wandering?

AB: Yes…can you even justify torturing kids with Barney the Dinosaur? I watched one episode for only five minutes and dumped my head in sink water to escape my little sister’s singing of the “I love you” song. I think the creator of Barney should be tried for violating the Geneva Convention.

GB: Let’s go back to Atlas. In the book you say you don’t hate each other as people have seen it, I mean you two really don’t throw fist-fights all the time when you meet right?

AB: He throws all the fists Glenn…mostly when I call him a stupid, tin can brained knucklehead. No we don’t fight all the time, actually he’s been more willing to talk to me lately…if you can stand three hours worth of selfish monolog. But Atlas truly believes in his heart that humans shouldn’t be allowed off a short leash for anything, he has a “one-planet, one-chance” mentality and you really can’t fault him for wanting to protect this planet from human screw ups. The problem is, risk is part of what’s made humans so successful, you can’t remove the risk factor and expect progress in anything and I know humans well enough that you can’t keep them in a seat for five minutes before they decide to go ape-crazy.

AB: Besides….we robots take advantage of the free entertainment humans provide every day. I don’t want my favorite comedy series cancel stamped, you get me Atlas? Hands off!

GB: It’s been great having you on Astro. Did you at least leave me the sunny red crayon?

AB: You want it back?

GB: ahhh…

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Postby stoogefreaky » 17 years ago

Cool! Good dialogue!

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Postby jeffbert » 17 years ago

Was this a 'real' Glen Beck thing, or did you make it?

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Postby dannavy85 » 17 years ago

No I made it up. But Glenn, being a Gen X-er, did talk about cartoons and how he watched Speed Racer, Astro and Kimba. He asked what had happened to cartoons that delivered such clear morals and values. Speed Racer always helped the police but now we tend to teach our kids to fear them.

Glenn said the cartoons of today?......ehh....they just suck. Too much political meddling and no creativity.

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Postby jeffbert » 17 years ago

Hmm, he might have a point. Although I might argue that Speed Racer was a bit of a busy body, always poking his nose into other's business. But, I have the DVDs, & really love them. :lol:

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Postby CommanderEVE » 16 years ago

Thats smart.

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