Astroboy the movie ( Sticky? )

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 16 years ago

"Fauna" wrote:[QUOTE=Daichi;76728]Obviously not.

...Over the freakin' Hedge? This is going to be the worst family comedy ever.

Yeah, part of me wishes they had someone out to see what we're saying, and maybe stop that Tanner thing. Seriously, naming this man "Dr. Tanner" not only makes him a lame, watered-down westernization (is "ten-mah" so hard to say?), but he now reminds me of Full House. EEK.

"Dragonrider1227" wrote:But as I said before, we've got a series about a little boy who flies around in his underwear so I don't think the pantie thing is a real issue :lol:

It is when it involves little girls and dozens of creepy otaku with scanners. Like Daichi, I too ran into some scary Uran stuff.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but that would be there anyway. The core intention for having little girls like Uran drawn that way is innocence. It's not thier fault some sickos decide to take it another way. And my point still stands that the main character is a 9 year old boy constantly appearing in tiny underwear but a little pantie flash is the problem? And as for the Dr. Tanner thing, yeah, it's a dumb name and didn't need changing but as they say, "What's in a name?"
Last edited by Dragonrider1227 on Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Daichi » 16 years ago

What's in a name... The essence of the character, perhaps? -_-

Astro's appearance is more about emphasizing the fact that he is not human. Additionally, it gives him access to his chest plate which he has been known to open, even in 2003's version, in order to use his communicator or to check his vitals or energy. Particularly since, in the 1980's version, he ran out of energy at some point or another in almost every frickin' episode.

Since Uran wears a skirt, the panties are not always exposed. When they are shown, it comes across differently than Astro because he always appears that way. Understand?

Besides, she's a girl. Men are perverts. Do the math, man.
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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 16 years ago

Good points. Very good points. But one could still take the same argument and apply it to Astro. Infact, someone did. I saw someone on youtube commenting on an Astroboy video claiming that it was "bad for children" because the way Astro dresses encourages pedophilia. >> I still think panties or no panties, those ... drawings of Uran would probably still exist. Back on topic, anyone else hoping for a little merchandise to come from this movie? I for one would like to know if they're planning toys. Hopefully better than the ones for the '03 anime. :whistling:
Last edited by Dragonrider1227 on Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Daichi » 16 years ago

Yeah, I suppose it's time we put the panchira debate to rest and get back to the movie. Although, being the piss-ant that I am, I could probably argue with you for several more hours, at least. X-D

Anyways, as I said before, the Astro ones weren't great but the Atlas one is very well made. That is, if you're talking about the ones I think you are.

And I don't think I want an Astro figure that looks as stupid as he does in the movie.
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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 16 years ago

Yeah, the Atlas figure was cool. I have that and the arm cannon Astro with the light up arm. Those were the only figures I liked.
And I didn't think he looks so bad in the CGI picture. Mind you, it isn't a very good picture. They should've given us something a little better to work with.

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Postby Daichi » 16 years ago

True. *shrug*
And I have the flight Astro with light-up boots.
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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 16 years ago

The only other american Astroboy toy I want is the 12" interactive one.
Plus, I kinda hope this movie becomes a full out franchise. Can you image going to Wal-Mart and seeing a big cardboard Astroboy at the toy section like they did with Spider-Man and Transformers? :lol:

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Postby Daichi » 16 years ago

Hellz yeah. That's awesome just in concept.

(except for the horrendous dent it is going to leave in my poor choking wallet)
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Postby tonigirl1000 » 16 years ago

Hi- I hope the Astroboy movie is very popular and turns into a franchise. Then i hope Daichi has the money he needs so his wallet will not have a dent in it. Thanks everyone, glad to see other people love Astroboy as much as i do, almost. Your friend always, Toni

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Postby Daichi » 16 years ago

Thanks, haha... I'm a li'l broke right now but I'll be okay.
Yeah, I hope the movie gets big too just for all the Astroboy stuff that'll come with it and perhaps even a few new fans.
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