This movie makes me sad...

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The Tawashi Bus Hat
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Postby The Tawashi Bus Hat » 14 years ago

"Dragonrider1227" wrote:The way I see it though, the movie may have been light, but it's like an introductory to the character for a new audience and you don't want to give them too much at once. Too much angst and deep allegories may have turned them off. (On the other hand, I AM seeing kids under 12 watching Death Note. So who knows?) Anyway, the lighter tone offers a great way to introduce him to kids then kids start looking for more and find the other animes. I've already seen this happening in some places. Amusing story, I once was at a super market getting Groceries. Near checkout line, they have this rack of discount DVDs and the 2003 Astro Boy anime was there and I heard some kid go "ASTRO BOY!" I looked and saw him and another boy look at the DVD and one of them said "He's naked." XD

I don't see why they couldn't have made it a tad more darker, like how the 1980s were (yet they still stayed lighthearted overall). Also, not to be the hater, but I think the movie would have done better overall if the company didn't make so many 'creative changes' so to speak (i.e., adding characters, using a new plot, ect).

I mean, I like the movie, but mostly as itself and not as an Astroboy movie.
(RANT: Seriously though, in every series the kid gets hit by a car, and now he just explodes. Why change that? I mean seriously, that was the one constant throughout the series (well, that and Pluto...). /rant) I just think they tried to make Astro too 'tough' and threw out all his innocence (not to mention that voice...ugh). The only characters I am pleased with are Dr. Ochanomizu (I refuse to call him Elefun) and Tenma. :tenma:

I can understand projecting the movie to a younger audience, but they should have tried harder. >:I

...but, I still saw it twice at the movies...

:tenma: < WHIRRRR!

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 14 years ago

ALL his innocence? Maybe a little but not all. The voice was a little deeper than I would've liked, but it didn't take from his character if you asked me. I didn't think they made him too tough either. Gotta kinda go with you on the plot though. liked the plot, I liked some of the new characters, but I look at the other animes and the manga and sometimes think "What could've been."
Still, I like hearing other opinions
and yeah;
:tenma: : WHIRRR! XD
That reminds me that Astro and Tenma's relationship is actually one of the best things about the movie. And I think the movie best explains Tenma's reasons for rejecting him. No disrespect on Tezuka, but I thought it was really silly for the head of the Ministry of Science to build a robot boy and then not understand why said robot boy isn't growing up. Yeah, what a genius >>
Last edited by Dragonrider1227 on Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby TasZero » 14 years ago

Tenma's a man of science, not a people person. He was too busy for his son and never good with other people, no wonder he expected different things from the boy he built.

:tenma: WHIRRR!
Love that. I gotta get a soundbyte.

The 80's series never seemed all that dark to me in the first place. After the first few episodes we ended up in a rather sunny problem of the day setting, on the other hand the movies themed carried strong throughout.

I don't really mind that the car accident was taken out, its nice to see something new once in a while, knowing what to expect every time can be a little dull, if I had been expecting Toby to die in a car crash then I would have screamed for him to stop if he had run towards a car upset. Adding new things is what keeps it alive in my oppinion, I don't heaps of "been there done that" the critical events still took place which to me is the most important part.

Though, it would have been fun if Tenma had built Astro while Toby had been alive, it'd be like have a superpowered robotic twin. (which could then go into some complex stroy telling based on Toby's feelings towards the robot) but I'm getting to distracted...

The Tawashi Bus Hat
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Postby The Tawashi Bus Hat » 14 years ago

Meh, after reading the manga, the Astro in the movie just seemed a bit too 'old' to me. Maybe it's a matter of opinion. :/

Tenma, I think, benefited the most from the movie. I mean, he shows up in two episodes of the b&w anime, only the first (two) episode(s) of the 80's anime, and...he's psycho in the 2003 anime. In the movie, he actually has some development (not that the 2003 Tenma wasn't developed...he was just all antagonistic and junk...) and the relation between him and his creation is actually projected well. And I agree, Tenma's reasoning behind rejecting Astro were much more realistic in the movie.

They got me all emotional, to say the least. *tears*.

SIDE NOTE: I thought the 80's series had some darker undertones to it. I guess that's what I get for watching them in Japanese... (have yet to finish the series in English...hur...)
Last edited by The Tawashi Bus Hat on Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Reads better.

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Postby Laughing Dragon » 14 years ago

"Dragonrider1227" wrote:ALL his innocence? Maybe a little but not all. The voice was a little deeper than I would've liked, but it didn't take from his character if you asked me. I didn't think they made him too tough either. Gotta kinda go with you on the plot though. liked the plot, I liked some of the new characters, but I look at the other animes and the manga and sometimes think "What could've been."
Still, I like hearing other opinions
and yeah;
:tenma: : WHIRRR! XD
That reminds me that Astro and Tenma's relationship is actually one of the best things about the movie. And I think the movie best explains Tenma's reasons for rejecting him. No disrespect on Tezuka, but I thought it was really silly for the head of the Ministry of Science to build a robot boy and then not understand why said robot boy isn't growing up. Yeah, what a genius >>

Exactly. I think the movie version of Tenma is as much a triumph as Astro. Both had deeper personalities, and more believable motives and behaviors, than they did in the manga or animes.

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 14 years ago

"TasZero" wrote:Tenma's a man of science, not a people person. He was too busy for his son and never good with other people, no wonder he expected different things from the boy he built.

:tenma: WHIRRR!
Love that. I gotta get a soundbyte.

Yeah. There's youtube poop possibilities in that :lol:

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Postby TasZero » 14 years ago

"Dragonrider1227" wrote:[QUOTE=TasZero;97901]Tenma's a man of science, not a people person. He was too busy for his son and never good with other people, no wonder he expected different things from the boy he built.

:tenma: WHIRRR!
Love that. I gotta get a soundbyte.

Yeah. There's youtube poop possibilities in that :lol: [/QUOTE]

I agree. Sadly I won't be making that anytime soon, while my bluray rip is coming along it will take me quite some time to get it into a format that my movie editor can use. The "Yes" from the same scene was also overly done, so you could use that too :p

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 14 years ago

LOL Yeah! :lol: I just found both those parts on Youtube so I downloaded them. I'll use them for something once I think of it

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Postby avatargirl » 14 years ago

hi- i thought they got the relationship right- love how ASTRO BOY was in the movie- caring for humans and robots- kinda jealous of Cora- thanks

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Postby Black Rabbit » 14 years ago

In my opinion, I think they messed it up. They changed the plot... A LOT. There is not suppose to be any weirdo people left on Earth. And Hamegg isn't suppose to be fat. There wasn't suppose to be any flying town. :shifty: And Tenma! :tenma: Hes suppose to be making a human sized robot not some big pile of junk called the 'Peace keeper'! And in the 1980 series, he made Astro Boy to replace he's son and when he found out he wouldn't grow he disowned him. He went out of his mind, Of course because he lost his son! You couldn't expect he to be in his right mind. And there isn't suppose to be any blue or red cores! The only bad thing like the red core was the Omega Factor.
And Dr. Elefun was suppose to be the new Minister of science when Dr.Tenma was fired because Tenma went on with making Astro Boy even when he was ordered not to. And Cora... O_o Where did she come from? Where did they get the idea of her? Another thing, Astro Boy is suppose to be younger, not some teenage smarty pants! :shifty:
And if Cora is suppose to be Astro's special friend, (Sorry just couldn't get myself to say 'Astro's girl friend' :p ) what happened to Nikki? The Walking bomb? (From the 19080 series.) He was suppose to be in love with another robot. No offence, but i really don't like the movie. *Goes crazy smashing movie box.* I like the old Astro Boy, but i guess to other people he's dead. :cry:

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