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Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:19 pm
by Gotta Love ASTRO BOY
:lol: yay :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:13 am
by Black Rabbit
I've never done this before, so sorry if it's not right. @.@ Too lazy to read all the previous posts right now. Maybe when I'm really bored I'll read them. :whistling: How the heck I thought up this plot I have no idea. Anyways:

Title: Candy Shop Disaster

Genre: Horror/Macabre (Yesh, HORROR! >8D)

It was a typical boring summer day, though oddly dark, when Gotta bounced energetically into the house. She excitedly ran throughout the house, yelling for her sisters. AB03, ABIA, and Blacki ran to their sister to find what the hubbub was about.

"What is it, Gotta Onee-chan?" asked Blacki.

"This!" Gotta exclaimed as she thrust a small flier to her sisters. On the front said 'Poyo's Grand Candy Shop' in big, candy cane letters. Underneath were the words 'Come one, come all to the grand opening of Poyo's Grand Candy Shop!'

"Cool! Can we go, Gotta? Please?" begged AB03 and ABIA.

"Sure!" Gotta replied, with her eyes sparkling.

If only they had read the small print, they would have know that-

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:22 am
by Gotta Love ASTRO BOY
you may never leave. Gotta and her sisters saddled up their horses and rode to the shop underneith the cloudy sky. Once they got there they dismounted and skipped happily into the shop. The shop owner waddled over to them with a limp in his step and a bend in his back. "Hello, girls" The man said "come come. Here eat this candy. Its on me girls." The sisters dove into the candy as it inticed them into staying forever.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:59 am
by Gotta Love ASTRO BOY
Then Gotta kicked the sleeping writers and yelled "Wake up, Lazy Bumbs!"

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:14 pm
by Gotta Love ASTRO BOY
@Blacki; Is this dead?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:14 pm
by the 鉄腕アトム fan
I think so.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:47 pm
by Black Rabbit
If it hasn't been updated in 3 months, then indeed it is. :3 Anyone want to start a new one? :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:02 pm
by the 鉄腕アトム fan

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:54 pm
by Gotta Love ASTRO BOY
:w00t: I wanna I wanna! ... Astro sat on a log next to the river. The leaves where golden and the sky was cloudy, a bad day normally but perfect for fishing. Astro cast another line and hummed along to a tune. He couldn't believe his luck, he has already reeled in five fish and felt another huge one tugging on his line. Large bony hands gripped onto his pole as he focused on pulling in the line. A huge rainbow trout flew from the water and pratically landed in his lap. Astro smiled up to the friendly face of the tall man who had helped him "Dr. Tenma, ahem, Dad could we do this every year?" A smile brightened on Tenmas long face and he nodded back to Astro, but... (hehehe :d evil: )