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Postby Robin » 10 years ago


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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

Part four

Three O'Clock that night, at an improbability level of Ten billion, Two Hundred Seventy Six Million, Three Hundred Thirty Three Thousand, One Hundred and Seventy Three to One, the Heart of Gold materialized in the form of a blue and red British police telephone booth in the middle of Times Square. Zaphod Beeblebrox slowly opened the door and peeked outside. He quickly realized that he hadn't landed anywhere near Wriggly's Pleasure Planet, and that he was in the most backward and barely civilized system in the universe. “Crap!” he thought to himself. “Ever since that Ape-man Dent got into the ship's computer, the damn thing keeps coming back to Earth! It's like a damn boomerang!”

Zaphod took one look at the ships projection of itself and did a double face palm (Well he DID have TWO faces, one per head). “I knew I shouldn't have let Marvin watch the BBC on the computer. Now the ship thinks it's a bloody TARDIS!”

Normally Beeblebrox could deal with Earth. He thought he was able to outsmart most of the inhabitants of the backward planet, and Humans were easy enough to get along with, much easier than the Vogons for instance. The problem was he had tricked the stupid Vogons into coming to Earth. It hadn't gone that well for them the last time they showed up.

Vogon society consisted of a corrupt government, several crime families, and lower class serfs. Several years ago the Vogan Mafia had sent a fleet of ships to Earth, and used their holographic telepathic projectors to convince a good third of the planet that the world was about to be destroyed to make way for a hyperspace bypass, being built by the Galactic government. Millions of Earthlings sold their belongings and went on spending sprees thinking they had only a week to live. The Vogons beamed down and disguised themselves as bankers, tour directors, and art dealers. They cleaned up.

Beeblebrox had no love of Earthlings, but he had a good hatred of Vogons. After a night of binge drinking Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, Zaphod came up with the idea of dropping a false hint to the Earth authorities that the Vogons were up to something really nasty. Omnicron Quinn was a distant 144th cousin of his, and he slipped the guy a few gazillion Altairian dollars to get the word out on the street that the 'Brox was going to move in on their action. He soon had the Vogons believing that he had an entire army at his disposal. Zaphod figured the stupid Vogons would turn chicken and leave. Instead they hired a goon squad consisting of Blagulon Kappa enforcers, and were now preparing to release a horde of Bugblatter Beasts. After Omnicron got zilched, Zaphod figured his plan had backfired on him, and that he'd better lay low somewhere far from the Vogons. Earth was the last place he wanted to be now.

K parked the Ford in front of a fancy looking restaurant in the midtown area. He pressed a button on his key fob and the car turned invisible. The three MIB agents entered the eatery and were immediately seated by a very friendly Maître d who seemed to know K very well. K slipped him a few bills, and they were ushered in quickly.

“Besides having the best food in NYC, this place is a hotbed of Alien activity.” K explained. “The waiter I've asked for knows everything that goes on in the Alien community. We can get some answers from him.”

“Who owns this place?” J asked.

“A Dentrassis family took it over after they immigrated to Earth.” K explained. “Their race are the best cooks and bar tenders in the universe. They are also mortal enemies of the Vogons.”

K raised his hand and motioned to a short well dressed employee of the establishment. Except for his skin tone, which was a bit on the purple side, the individual looked quite human. He noticed K, and quickly finished taking an order at the table he was at, and then shuffled over to where the MIB agents were sitting.

“Hey Kay, good to see you again.” He smiled politely. “Who's the new kid here?”

“Good to see you too Fizzben”, K answered. “Meet my new partner, A.”

“Glad to meet you kid.” Fizzben said, patting Astro on the head and quickly noticing his metallic hair.

“So have you guys looked at a menu yet?”

“I'll have my usual.” K said.

“I'm sorry, we're all out of Arcturian MegaDonkey today.” Fizzben answered. “I can recommend the Ameglian Major Cow”

“OK on that.” K answered “But just have him slay himself, I don't want to meet the meat.”

“He'll be very disappointed.” The waiter said.

“He'll get over it.” K dead panned.

“True.” Fizzben agreed. “And you?” he asked J.

“I'll just have a hamburger.” J said.

Fizzben gave J a dirty look. “Who orders hamburger in a ten star restaurant?” he said under his breath.

Astro thumbed through the menu.
“I'll try the Babel fish sushi” he said.

“Good choice.” Fizzben said. “I'll bring your salads right away.”

Fizzben returned with two salads. “Yours doesn't come with any extras” he said to J, pulling the corner of his eyelid down with his pinky.

“I need some information” K said. “What do you know about a Zaphod Beeblebrox?”

“Why are you interested in him?”

“Because I've got some information from a usually reliable informer that he may be involved in a crime war with the Vogons.”

“You know, I heard something about that. The stupid Vogons actually believed that Beeblebrox was bringing his underworld army to Earth to put the Vogons out of business.”

“What's so funny about that?” K asked.

“Beeblebrox doesn't have any army.” Fizzben laughed. “He's the biggest con man in the universe. How do you think he managed to get himself elected president? He could sell an Eskimo snow.”

“Yes, but the Vogons, have brought in enforcers, one of them offed my informer.” K explained. “I also have word that they are smuggling in bugblatter beasts.”

“That would be bad.” Fizzben frowned. “Still I don't think you'll find Beeblebrox on Earth. Of course Zaphod is crazy enough to show up just to watch and gloat.”

“What does this Beeblebrox look like?” K asked.

“Tall, dark, handsome, and very charming.” Fizzben said softly. “Oh and he has two heads and three arms. You can't miss him.”
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

In case you haven't guessed, the last two parts borrowed a bit from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series (BBC radio show, BBC TV show, A trilogy of six books (don't ask!) and a movie).

If you don't get some of the jokes in the last part, then you'd better read some of the novels, or at least the Wikipedia articles on THHGTTG.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

part five

Fizzben brought their meals, easily carrying everything over at once. He had four hands after all. The waiter stood by the table quietly while K, J, and A took their first bites of the food.
“How is everything?” he asked.

“Excellent!” K told him.

“Best Sushi I've ever had!” A added.

“My burger is a bit too well done.” J complained.

“Do me a favor, K.” Fizzben said. “Don't bring this hooligan in here anymore. He has absolutely no class.”

“It's his upbringing.” K sighed. “I have another favor to ask you, do you know where we can find a member of the Vogon underworld with some standing? I want to hear what's going on from their point of view.”

“You're in luck there.” Fizzben told him. “He's having dinner in a private room in the back of this establishment” Fizzben took a quick look at his watch. “I'd wait another twenty minutes before wandering back there. He'll be having his after dinner tea by then.”

“Why don't we just barge in on him right now?” J suggested.

“Forget it kid!” K answered. “The one thing you don't want to do is to watch a Vogon eat dinner!”

In a private soundproofed room at the very back of the restaurant, Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz was enjoying a mug of imported Neptunian tea. He felt rather full after having finished five orders of scintillating blue jeweled scuttling crabs. Suddenly, he was interrupted by a voice from behind him.

“Hello Jeltz!” K greeted the ugly green overweight being. K tried not to look directly at the Vogon, because as like most members of his species, Jeltz wasn't that easy to look at, having about as much sex appeal as a road accident.

“What have I done to attract the attention of a member of MIB?” Jeltz asked.

“Don't play stupid with me, Jeltz.” K answered. “I have it on good authority that your family is in the process of smuggling in bugblatters. You know they are a banned species on this planet.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Jeltz said in a huff. “Where did you hear that ugly lie? Wait! Don't tell me, have you been talking to Beeblebrox?”

“Actually not yet, though he is on my list of beings of interest.” K answered. He grabbed the Vogon's chair and quickly kicked one of the legs out from under it. Prostetnic fell to the floor with a deadening splat.
“That is for offing Omnicron.” K yelled. “We have your Blagulon Kappa assassin in custody by the way.”

“I did you a favor 86ing him.” Jeltz roared. “He was working for the 'Brox!”

“Actually, I think he was framed by this Beeblebrox.” K yelled back. "Zaphod was probably looking for a way to get you guys out of his way, and I think he intended to use the MIB to his own end. So save your blubbery ass and tell me where he is.”

“I actually don't know that.” Jeltz answered. “But I have some connections, I might be able to find out for you.”

Zaphod banged his fists on the control panel again, but the Heart of Gold refused to power up its Infinite Improbability Drive.

“How many times do I have to tell you that the ship is going to require 72 hours to regenerate the power cell?” Marvin the paranoid android moaned. “You overtaxed the ship's energy supplies playing your Disaster Area CD's so loud.” He added.

“Well if I'm stuck on this stupid rock for another three days, I think I'd better find a good party.” Zaphod said. He walked into a water closet and took a good look at himself in the mirror. Zaphod pulled a comb out of his pocket and carefully touched up the hair on both of his heads.
“I look Amazing!” he muttered out loud.
“See you later Marvin!” Zaphod shot out as he walked out of the ship and headed uptown on Broadway.

“Know any good jokes?” Eddy the computer asked Marvin. “Looks like we're stuck with each other for the next three days!”

“I don't think I can stand that!” Marvin moaned.

“Knock knock” Eddy started.

“You've got to be kidding!” Marvin sighed “Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and I have to play knock knock jokes with a stupid computer! I'm either going to have to explode myself, or go take a walk. Not a very good choice, but it would be a shame if someone had to peel me off the walls.”

Marvin left the ship and started walking. He tried crossing the street, but bumped into something invisible. He quickly shifted his vision into the x-ray spectrum and noticed the late model Ford illegally parked in front of a ten star restaurant. Marvin tried the door to the car and found it was open. He got into the back seat and sat down.

“Stupid humans left this auto-car unlocked.” he thought. “Think I'll just sit here and take a nap.”
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:52 am, edited 8 times in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

part six

K dragged the vogon out of the restaurant and into the street. The blubbery alien was still a bit groggy from the effect A's stun gun. K pressed the button on his key fob and the Ford re-appeared.

"Throw him in the back seat," he told A. He and Jay got in the front seat as Astro opened the rear door, to find Marvin sleeping.

“Hey, there's a strange looking Robot asleep in the back seat!” Astro said.

J and K turned around and noticed Marvin. “How the hell did he get in the car?” J asked.

“I think the auto lock button is on the fritz again.” K muttered. “At least it looks like nothing was stolen. Still I wonder how this robot even found our car.”

“Easy, enough.” A said. “His vision extends into the X-Ray spectrum, so the car's invisibility cloak won't work on him.”

Astro gave Marvin a few shakes, and then a punch in the arm. The paranoid android woke up.

“It's not morning yet is it?” Marvin asked looking around. “Just when I was getting to the good part of a really depressing dream you had to wake me up.”

“Who are you and where did you come from?” J asked.

“You can address me as Marvin, and we're from somewhere near Betelgeuse I think.” Marvin replied. “We were supposed to be hiding out on Wrigley's Pleasure Planet, but Zaphod insisted on programming the flight computer himself. So naturally we ended up on this god forsaken planet. It wouldn't have been so bad if Ex-President Beeblebrox hadn't mis-managed the ships power reserves, so now we're stuck on this rock until the Heart of Gold can regenerate its power core.”

“Heart of Gold?” K asked.

“You've never heard of it?” Marvin asked. “Most advanced ship in the Galaxy. It's powered by the prototype Infinite Improbability Drive. So naturally Zaphod stole it. We've been on the run ever since.”

“I need to talk with this Zaphod fellow right away.” K said. “Do you know where he is?”

“He said something about looking for a party to crash.” Marvin answered. “Always leaves me alone to sulk by myself. This time I decided to just go for a walk, I'd rather be alone than listen to the ship's computer play knock knock jokes.”

“Maybe I could get Marvin to help me find this Zaphod guy.” A said.

“Good idea.” K agreed. “J and I will drag the Vogon back to HQ for some more interrogation. He hasn't told us everything, and I think he's lying about the bugs.”

Astro helped Marvin get out of the car, and then stuffed the Vogon into the back seat. He had to use all three seat belts to tie down the fat alien. He watched as the car drove off and then turned to Marvin.

“You're not a dumb human, you're a robot.” Marvin told Astro. “At last someone I won't have to talk down to”

“Err thanks, I think” Astro replied.

“So I guess we need your help to find Zaphod Beeblebrox.” Astro said. “Any ideas?”

“Well I haven't been around him all that long,” Marvin said “But he seems to like parties where he can be around lots of attractive female members of humanoid species, and dumb humanoid males. In other words, sleazy nightclubs and bars.”

“Well that doesn't help much,” Astro sighed. “This city must be full of places like that. I wouldn't know where to start looking.”

“A good place to start might be where we parked our ship.” Marvin said as he started to walk. “I know which direction Zaphod was heading.”

“Good idea.” Astro agreed, and he followed Marvin.
They walked a few blocks uptown toward the east side toward Times Square. Sitting on a small island block between Broadway and Seventh Avenue, right next to a statue of George M. Cohan, and looking completely out of place, was a blue and red British police telephone booth.

“That's your ship?” Astro asked.

“I suppose it does look like a bit like something from Gallifrey.” Marvin sighed, “But its appearance is only a delusion caused by a residual improbability field.”

“So which way did Zaphod go?” Astro asked.

“That way.” Marvin pointed north on Broadway. “It shouldn't be too hard to locate him, he's not very particular and doesn't like walking. The first loud nightclub or bar we find will probably be where he's passed out.”

Marvin and Astro walked along Broadway. Astro put his hands up to his ears and turned up his hearing.

“What are you doing?” Marvin asked.

“I can increase my hearing by 1000 times.” Astro told him. “I'm listening for the sound of a crowd having a good time.”

“Only 1000 times?” Marvin said. “My audio receptors can be tuned to 10,000 times that of a humans. Let me give it a try.”

Marvin slowly rotated his head.
“That did it.” he complained. “I've located Mr. Beeblebrox. I could hear him bragging about his ego. He's in a hotel ball room about two blocks from here. I'll lead the way.”
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Sat May 03, 2014 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

Part Seven

Astro and Marvin walked through the front entrance of the small hotel. Except for the nightclub located in the hotel's basement, which appeared to be a first class act, the rest of the establishment was a dive that you wouldn't want to spend the night in. There was a rather long line waiting to descend the staircase to the basement, where 'Club WTF' was giving it's patrons a wild time. The vibration of heavy metal acid rock shaking the floor below them. As they pushed their way toward the front of the queue a bouncer dressed in an electric day glow polyester zoot suit spotted them and yelled out.

“Hey, no robots allowed!”, he yelled pointing at Marvin.

Astro grabbed the guy by his collar and pointed to the paranoid android beside him.
“You mean my buddy can't come in?” Astro asked

“Like I said, we don't allow robots, or low class aliens.” the bouncer pushed Astro aside. Astro allowed his grip on the guy's collar to be broken.

“What about me?” Astro demanded.

“You're cool, you can enter.”

“Really?” Astro asked. “Well I also happen to be a robot!”

Astro grabbed his own head with both hands and twisted it back and forth, and then lifted it off his shoulders. He held his head a good foot above his body, and then lowered it back into position and locked it into place. “See” he said.
The bounder's eyes glazed over as Astro stared at him face to face.

“Now listen. My buddy Marvin and I are going downstairs. You want to argue with MIB?”

Astro reached into his vest pocket and extracted a neuralyzer. He held the device up to the bouncer's eyes and clicked the power button. The pen shaped gizmo issued a single pulse of light and went dark.

“Sure, you two go right ahead downstairs. Have a good time!” The bouncer told them.

“I doubt it.” Marvin groaned.

Zaphod was standing next to the bar with drink in each of his three hands. He yelled over to the bar tender. “Almost got it right this time monkey breath!”
Several very intoxicated large breasted women were clinging to Beeblebrox. The two headed alien motioned for the bar tender to mix up several more cocktails for his new friends. As he turned around he spotted Marvin and Astro walking into the room.
“Hey Marvin!” Zaphod yelled out. “You finally decided to quit being so square and party with me? Who's your buddy in the dark suit?”

“He's with the Men in Black, and he wants to talk to you.” Marvin replied.

“Yeah, I can see that.” Zaphod said.

“I think you'd better come with me, Mr. Bebblebrox.” Astro told him. “You're in enough trouble right now, and you'd better be glad the MIB found you before the Vogons did.”

“Zarks!” Zaphod muttered. “You mean the Vogons are on this rock too?”

“Got that right.” Astro said, as he held his neuralyzer in front of Zaphod and zapped him.

It was a strange sight as the two headed alien limped uptown with one arm over Astro's shoulder, one over Marvin's, and the third arm down his pants, scratching his balls. They entered the secret side doorway into the MIB HQ, and Astro lead Marvin and Zaphod downstairs to the interrogation room.
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Sun May 11, 2014 4:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

Part Eight

K and J were in C's office when Astro entered with Marvin and Zaphod.

“I found him.” Astro said, “With some help from Marvin, here.” he added.
Zaphod was still a little groggy and he plopped down in the nearest chair he could find.

“What did you do to him?” K asked.

“I neuralyzied him.” Astro said. “I thought it was only supposed to remove very recent memories.”

“Only on humans.” K said. “It can have other weird effects on aliens. “Let me see your unit.”

Astro handed K his neuralyzer. K looked at it for a few seconds and then handed it back to Astro.
“You had it set on discombobulate.” K laughed. “Which in Zaphod's case was probably the right setting.”

“Hey fool!” J yelled at K. “You did that to ME the first time we met. I was walking into walls for a good half hour after that!”

Zaphod's four eyes slowly uncrossed and he became aware of his surroundings.
“Where the Zark am I?” he asked.

“You're in MIB HQ.” C told him. “You were brought in for questioning. Seems you got yourself in the middle of a gang war with the Vogons. Care to enlighten us?”

“Shoot man, that was a Joke!” Zaphod cried out. “When I heard that those retard bureaucrats were moving in on Earth, I thought I'd give them a line of bull and laugh as they ran away scared. I didn't think they'd resort to a bug army.”

“So you don't have your own army?” K asked.

“Well, technically as the president of the Galaxy I did,” Zaphod started, “But since technically the president of the Galaxy is really only a figure head, and since I technically I was impeached from that position, even though technically having never been officially removed from office I could still claim to be in charge, though I'm technically only a figure head, though the army doesn't know that....”

“What?” K asked.

“He's shoveling it,” Astro said, “With a front end loader.”

“Yeah, so I figured.” K agreed.

“So, what do we do?” J asked.

“Sorry, my mind is a blank on this one.” K said.

“Well someone better think of something.” C pointed out. “We're facing a bug invasion from the Vogons.” C pressed a button on his desk console and two armed guards entered the office.
“Please escort Mr. Bebblebrox to his quarters.” C said.

“What do you mean by that?” Zaphod asked.

“It means, we're keeping you on ice for a while.” C said. '”You'll be treated well, MIB wouldn't want the president of the galaxy to complain.”

Zaphod was escorted out of the room to a holding cell on another level. As soon as he was out of earshot, C motioned for K to speak up.

“Jeltz still insists that the bug story was Zaphod's invention, and that Omnicron was fed that information from him.” K said. “I agree with you, the stinking Vogon is probably lying.”

“Well we'll interrogate him some more later” C added.

“I think I have an idea.” A interjected.

“Let's hear it.” C insisted.

“Well, we've got both Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz and Zaphod Beeblebrox in custody, and neither one knows that we have the other one here.” Astro said. “So why don't we get them to interact in a controlled setting and see what happens?”

“Zaphod will probably end up pooping in his pants.” Marvin said.

“Maybe, he'll be braver if you are with him.” A suggested.

“I doubt it.” Marvin moaned. “He never gave a mega-dingo's kidneys about me.”

“Jeltz doesn't know that.” A said.

“I think I see where you're going with this.” K said. “It might work. We'll set things up and cross our fingers.”

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

Part Nine

Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz put on the most defiant look possible for a Vogon. This didn't amount to much, since Vogons don't have any facial muscles in any of the right places to look fierce, defiant, mad, or anything.
“You can't hold me, you don't have any evidence.” He said.

J held his breath and got face to face with the ugly alien.
“Actually, we can hold you for twenty four hours, longer on weekends and holidays.” He said. “But someone actually wanted to bail you out, so we are going to release you in his custody.”

It was really too bad that Vogons can't put a look of surprise on their faces, since that remark really did surprise Jeltz. No Vogon would ever bail another one out of jail, not without without orders signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters anyway.

J banged on the door to the holding cell to alert a guard standing just outside. The small window in the door slide open from the outside and J motioned to the guard to open the door.
“I'll escort you to the front desk where you will be processed for release.” J told Jeltz, motioning for him to exit the room.

“Aren't you going to free me from these handcuffs?” The Vogon asked.

“In due time.” J told him. “First let's do the paper work.”

“Of course,” the Vogon agreed, “Must do the paper work first.” Vogons are true bureaucrats, and love paper work, it being their one true joy in life.

J opened the door to another room and shoved the Vogon through the door. It was a singularly white room with only a large black desk in the middle for furniture. C sat behind the desk, now wearing the powered wig of a proper English barrister. Standing at the right side of the desk, was Zaphod Beeblebrox, who was busy filling out a large pile of papers. Next to him was a tall silver metal robot, with a rather bored look on his face.

“Ah, I see they've fetched you.” C said looking up from his computer monitor. “Mr. Beeblebrox has agreed to pay for your bond, so you will be free to go as soon as you fill out the required paperwork.”

The MIB chief pushed a pile of forms toward the Vogon and handed him a sharpened #2 pencil.
“If you have any questions, please ask.” He said. “Once you fill out the acceptance forms, and the guarantee of availability for questioning form, plus all the wavers of any wrong doing against your person by the MIB forms, you will be free to go in the custody of Mr. Beeblebrox.”

Jeltz showed no emotion in his facial expressions, he just grabbed the pencil and started to rapidly fill in the required information to all the paperwork assigned him. He did seem to enjoy this however. Jeltz quickly finished filling out the pile of paperwork, and handed it to C.

“You have a very satisfactory bureaucracy here” he said.

Zaphod handed his stack of papers to C. He knew that this part of the ruse was pure bovine excrement designed to make the Vogon feel at home, so what he had written on the forms was just doodling. C kept a straight face as he glanced at what Beeblebrox had written down. The MIB director reached into his desk drawer and extracted a set of keys.
“All of the paperwork seems to be in order.” he smiled, unlocking the handcuffs from Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz's wrists. “I'll be right back with a guard to escort the two of you out.” he added, walking out of the room and locking the door behind him.

Zaphod called upon all of his coolness to stifle the queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was the Vogon who broke the ice.

“Zaphod Beeblebrox,” he said. “I am at a bit of a loss to understand why you are here to post my bond.”

“Call it a peace offering.” Zaphod blurted out. “It is obvious to me that you have misunderstood my intentions, and that has gotten both of us in deep doo-doo with the MIB.”

“I think your intentions were made quite clear, Mr. Ex-President.” Jeltz blurbeled. “You insinuated that you were bringing in soldiers to take over my operations on Earth. Really now, did you expect my family to just pack up and leave?”

“Hey, it was just a joke!” Zaphod spat out. “Don't you Vogons have a sense of humor?”

“No, we don't” Jeltz answered. “We deal only in facts, and we resent those who would dare lie to us for their own amusement.”

Zaphod extended his hand, and then thought better of the idea, but it was too late.
“Look, let's make up and start over with this, maybe we can come up with a deal that benefits both of us.”

Jeltz ignored Zaphod's offer, he kept his own hands by his sides.
“It's too late for that, Beeblebrox.” Jeltz said. “Things have been put into motion. In a way, it's too bad you don't have an army here on Earth, those Bugblatter beasts are going to be very disappointed when they get here. Oh well, there are enough homeless Earthlings and off worlders enough to satisfy their hunger long enough.”

“Hey, you've got to recall them!” Zaphod replied.

“It's too late for that!” Jeltz said. “They are already in hyperspace, and will be here in 48 hours. I can contact them when they arrive and cancel their contract, but they will insist on a brief shore leave.”

“Shore leave!” Zaphod yelled. “They will eat anything that moves!”

“Like I said, this planet has enough undesirables who won't be missed.” Jeltz said. “Maybe if we're lucky a few MIB's will be part of the carnage.”

The door opened, and two ape like aliens stood at the door, with C standing behind them.
“My guards will escort you two to the street level.” He said. “Zaphod, keep Mr. Jeltz in your company until we have determined that he is no longer a being of interest. We will return your bond when that happens. Until then, the Vogon is your responsibility.”

A, J, and K watched on the video monitor as Jeltz left the building with Zaphod and Marvin.

“Do you think he bought that?” A asked.

“Hook, line, and sinker.” K answered. “Vogons are so trusting if you feed them bureaucratic baloney. He never even gave a thought to the room being bugged.”

"I knew that Jeltz was lying about the Bugs." K said. "I hope Mr. Beeblebrox can stick close to that Vogon long enough to get us the information we need to put a stop to this invasion before anyone gets eaten, though I doubt that Mr. Beeblebrox will keep up his end of the bargain very long.”

“I wouldn't blame him, I wouldn't want to hang out with that Vogon if I didn't have too.” J added.

“Don't worry.” A said. “Marvin has his instructions, and will carry them out.”

“You trust that robot?” J asked.

“I'd trust him with my life.” A said. “Don't forget, I'm a robot also. The two of us like blood brothers.”
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Sun May 25, 2014 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


I can also be found on Deviant Art http://tetsuwanpenguin.deviantart.com/

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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

Well what do you know? Seems Tezuka beat me to the idea of Astro in black!

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


I can also be found on Deviant Art http://tetsuwanpenguin.deviantart.com/

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Angel of the Stars
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Postby Angel of the Stars » 10 years ago

"Tetsuwan Penguin" wrote:Image
Well what do you know? Seems Tezuka beat me to the idea of Astro in black!

XD lol
He looks good in it~!! :D

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