Hullabaloo Land


One of the themes in Hullabaloo Land
No amusement park in the world, in the universe for that matter, could compare with the one called “Hullabaloo Land”. Here was a child's Dream World; anything from Hansel and Gretel's tiny cottage in the enchanted forest to King Arthur's might castle at Camelot! “Hullabaloo Land” was the creation of Doctor Magico, a mechanical wizard. What no child, and certainly no adult, ever suspected that Dr. Magico was a power-mad, evil, scientist, plotting to take over the world! What appeared to be an amusement park with fairy tales and wonder, in reality an arsenal wherein Dr. Magico built weapons of destruction! Made by the poor robots of “Hullabaloo Land”. Astro Boy and his guardian, Dr. Elefun, following a hunch, after Princess Lollypop came in the night for help, decide one day to visit Dc. Magico in his castle. But, Astro Boy discovers the wizard's little secret workshop, only to be discovered himself by Dr. Magico and his robot robot dragon! Astro Boy's escape, his fight with the dragon, and his pursuit of the evil wizard are exploits that could happen only in the bizarre setting of “Hullabaloo Land”.