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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

the Next Episode will be : Denkou Returns.


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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

And now it's time for Denkou Returns.


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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Astro Boy New Novels: Denkou Reutrns

By Eugene Tan Ong Siong

((c) Astroboy 2003,Sony Pictures Entertainment All rights Respected. Non-profit enjoyments only.

(In the airport of Metro City,There was Denkou and her father who are going to take a taxi to the Ministry of Science.As they reached to

the Ministry of Science,Denkou walks to the main lobby to Wait for Dr.O.Shay and Astro.)

(Just then,Astro has arrived at the Minsitry of Science)

Astro:Hello Denkou,Glad you have come.

Denkou: That's right Astro,because my dad has got something to show your friends about the new Device. (She jumps to Astro and

hugged him.)Though i did remember you who saved me from that evil Skunk.And now,I'm back.

Astro:By the way,what is your father going to show us something?

Denkou: Don't worry,Astro. He'll bring it in.

(In Astro's treehouse)

Denkou's father(holds the device to show his friends and Astro):Gentleman,i would like to present you.(he uncovers the cloth to show

them his new device)The Alias Omega.

Astro and Friends: Oooooh!!!

Denkou's Father:These bracelets allows you to have the ability of strength,speed and invisibility. Each device you wear will have

amazing powers. But when you take off
the device,you will be back to an ordinary selves again with no powers.

Kenichi:I want to try it on.

Shibugaki:Me too

Tamao:Me Three.

Astro:Now hold on a minute,sorry about that Mister,but do you mean to say that each of the device will gain some powers from the


Denkou's Father:Absolutely. Unfortunately,when i try it out,it becomes unstable. So i decided to make it stable.

Astro:You actually made it stable ? But what if they use the powers for bad use?

Denkou's Father: Don't worry Astro,they'll use the powers to do good. If they could use it wisely.

Astro:Well,i bet that nobody would ever steal these devices for evil.

Shibugaki:Not even that sneaky thief like Skunk who tries to steal these from us.

(Meanwhile,at the abandoned Warehouse.Where Skunk was spying on them with his binoculars )

Skunk:That's what you think,you little brats.(He placed the binoculars on the box.)Soon,when i steal these devices.(walks to the lab.)I

will combine these devices to gain ultimate power.(he unveil his curtain.)With my brand new Omega armour. Yes,this armour will

combine these omega diamond bracelets
into my armour. I will have three powers to storm the city. Alive.(Laughs evil)

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

(Back to Metro City Park.)

Kenichi(Runs faster with his Omega bracelets):YAHOO!!!Look at me Astro. I'm Flash Boy!!!(He stops at the street of Metro City.)Uh

Oh.Time to get back.
(He runs back to Metro City Park)

Shibugaki(lifting up the tree with his bracelet):WOW!!! I'm stronger than ever.(laughs happily)This is so cool!!

Tamao(Spins himself into invisibility with his third Bracelet): Oooh, I'm a ghost. Watch this Astro.

Astro:Hey,Tamao!! Remember what he said....(The children screams in fear and run away from the park.). Oh..Tamao.

Tamao: Oops,what was i thinking.(He spins himself back to his visibility himself.) Sorry.

Kenichi:Hey guys.I think we better give this to Astro.

Astro:Yes,and i'm going to give it back to her father for save keeping.

Tamao: Do we have to?

Astro:Yes,we have to.

Shibugaki:I wish i could create my own device.

Astro: Don't even try to create it. it's a copycat.

Shibugaki:Then what can i create?

Astro:I'll let you know.

(Back to the abandoned warehouse.)

(Skunk has attached the armour into his belt.)

Skunk:That is why i have to get the Omegas by tonight. it'll be like taking candy from a baby.

(That night,At the Minsitry of Science Building. Where the security robots are guarding the Alias Omegas. Until,Skunk has break into

the lab
and steal the three omegas.The robots tried to stop Skunk. But He takes the special greade from his jacket and throw it at the robots

that released nanobots to kill the robots away.And he grabbed the Alias Omegas and got away.The alaram has sound and he blast the

alarm with his ray gun.And he carreid on to get away from it.)

Skunk(runs to the car):At last,the Alias Omegas are Mine.(He start the car and drive back to the warehouse)Now i'm going to rule

them all!!!

(The next morning, all the scientist screams for the missing Omegas.)

Police 01:What happen?

Male Scientist 01:Somebody has stole the Alias Omega.

Female Scientist 02(Crying):And kill all of my robots with a can.

Police:You mean...(he picked up a can and read)Robot eating nanobot Grenade?

Police 02:Alright folks,there's no need to worry. I'm sure Astro will be here in..(Just then Astro has arrived at the Minsitry of

Science.)No time.

Police 01:Here he is now.

(They cheered Astro wildly .)

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Astro:What's the matter? Is there a trouble?

Police 01 :O h yes Astro,a big trouble.

Astro:What's so big about it?

Police 01:The Alias Omega bracelets were stolen.

Astro: Oh no!!! It must be Skunk.

Police 01(Surprised):You know this criminal?

Astro:Yes,I've seen it on Robita's screen that Skunk is a con man, a Thief and a mastermid who takes over metro city. Whatever Skunk's up to. He's got a lot

of evil tricks in his sleeves.

Detective Tawashi:I agree with you Astro. Skunk has got his own armour to combine the omegas.

Astro(Horrified):So he could take over Metro City with his....No!!!

(Suddenly, a huge explosion sound has came from the Downtown)

What was that?!!!

Detective Tawashi:It's started.

(Astro Flies to Downtown to see what's going on.Then,He just saw Skunk who has the armour of Alias Omega to attack and storm the city.)

Astro:It's Skunk!!!(Astro flies down to stop Skunk)

(Then Skunk look at Astro.)

Skunk:There you are Astro.(He use his Speed powers to dash to Manora.)Catch me if you can!!

Astro :O h no he won't(He continues to flie as he was chasing him faster.)

Skunk(Look at Astro who flies faster to stop him): Oh,a wise guy huh? Okay,Wise Guy. (Skunk stopped at the Manora.)Let's see if you can defeat me with

this.(Skunk lifts a rock and threw at Astro.but he has dodge Skunk's attack and blast the rocks with his arm cannon.)No way.

Astro:Hand over the Omega Bracelets to me. And surrender with your hands.

Skunk :O ver my dead Two Legs.(He dash back to Metro City and he spins faster to make a tornado.)

(As he creates a tornado,he pushed the tornado with his powers.)Seek him,boy.

Astro(look at the tornado.) :O h no. (The tornado has caught Astro and he was swirled by the tornado. But He gains his jet power to free himself from the

tornado. As he was free from the Tornado,Astro continues to challenge him.)Do you really think that i will surrender?

Skunk(Growls angrily): (But then,he hatched an Idea)Okay Astro,you win. I give up.(He raise his hand and he bangs the ground to Quake the city and

tumble Astro Down.)I guess not.(He speeds back to the warehouse.)See ya later,Astro Flat.

Astro(stands up from the building):Just you wait,Skunk. I'll stop you , if it's the last thing i do.

(In Denkou's place)

Denkou: Oh no,Mr Skunk has stole my father's bracelet.

Astro:I tried to stop him,but he became an invincible tyrant. I don't know how am i going to stop him.

Denkou: Don't give up yet Astro, He may have the bracelets but you'll get the chance to return the bracelets to my father.

Denkou's father:That's right,but you have to be careful. Skunk has got three combinational powers to cease you away.

Astro: Don't worry sir. I will make sure that i'll have to be careful.

Uran(arrived at he place):Astro!!(She embraced him)There you are.

Denkou:Who is this cute girl,Astro?

Astro:Her name is Uran...(She close Astro's mouth with her hand)

Uran:I'm his sister . And you must be...Denkou.

Denkou:How did you know my name?

Uran:Well Astro remembers you when you saw it on tv. Remember you watch Astro who told blue knight to ...

Denkou:Yeah!! I know.stop the war against each other of robots and humans.

Astro(Drops Uran on the floor):Yes,thank you very much for telling me that Chatterbox Uran.As i was saying,I'll find the way to stop the Evil Skunk from
taking over Metro City . Even if i would never give up,i would stop him easily.

Denkou:Thanks Astro, i knew i could count on you.

Uran:Who are you calling me a Chatterbox,Astro?

Astro:Because you talked too much, that's why.


(That night at the Warehouse. Where Skunk is Watching Denkou with his binocular.)
Last edited by teugene50 on Sun Aug 17, 2014 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Skunk:So Denkou,do you really think you could give Astro another chance to stop me?(He bangs the table with his strength powers until the table is

crushed and the TV Has flown out of the warehouse.)I think not. As long as i have the powers. Astro will die permenantly with my Omega powers.

(Yawn)Maybe i better get some sleep. Tomorrow i'm going to capture Denkou and Uran for ransom. And then i'll have to destroy him with my very own

(Laughs evil and yawns)I better don't waste my time on this.

(Meanwhile at Dr O Shay's house)

Astro(In his room):I won't give up on you,Skunk. I'll make sure that you'll be arresterd for life.

(The Next morning,At Denkou's Place.)

Denkou's Father:Good morning Denkou..(He didn't hear denkou's word)Denkou?

(He walked to her room and he was terrified that Denkou is kidnapped .)

DENKOU!!!(He ran to her bed and saw a message.once he read the message,he fainted on the ground)

(Later,The police are investigating the kidnapping Denkou.)

And i saw a note that says"Hand over $1999,922 or you'll never see Denkou again alive.". I just couldn't make any sense at all.

Astro:There there,Mister. I bet that Skunk is still at large.

Police 01:Astro,there you are. There's another crime scene of your sister. Your sister is held kidnapped by Skunk along with Denkou.


(At Dr O Shay's Palace)

Damm that Skunk.(He crumbles the message and threw it on the ground)Just wait till i get my hands on him.

Police 01:Now now,Astro. Cool down. I'm sure you can defeat Skunk without the violence for sometimes.

Astro:How can i..

Detective Tawashi:You just need an upgrade to gain your powers. Ever since i just saw you live at the building. the building has tumbled you down.
Because of Skunk. That's why you need an anti omega power. And with it, you'll be able to stop him from destruction.

Astro:Really? Then where can i get it?

Detective Tawashi:I'm not sure yet, but maybe Dr O Shay will create it.


(Meanwhile,In the warehouse,Where Denkou and Uran are tied up to the chair.)

Uran:You'll never get away from this.

Denkou:Yeah,when Astro comes to this place,you're history. And so is your armour.

Skunk:He will try,but he will die soon..

Uran:What's that suppose to mean?

Skunk:Ms brat,you don't understand. I got the power of the omegas and i'll be able destroy him with my combination powers . and once i rid of him.The

city will be all mine and i'll name the city From Metro City to Skunkville.

Denkou:Eeeewwww. A land of Skunks? P.U!!!

Skunk:SHUT UP DENKOU!!! Nobody ask you about my plan. And if i were you. I'll make you join Astro into the Scrapyard.(Face to Uran)Do you have

anything to say?!!


Skunk:Good, because once the police will hand the ransom for me. Astro is going to be here any moment to be destroyed. Then it's bye bye Astro. the party

is over.(Laughs evily)

Uran(shed tears): Oh Astro, Where are you?

(Back in the lab)

(Dr O Shay and his members are about to create a new chip that will gain Astro's power and shields himself from the Omagea attacks.)

Dr O Shay(still creating): Is everything ready?

the 5 scientists:Ready!!

Dr O Shay(created the chip and install it into Astro's Heart.):Then all set to go. Begin the power generator.(They insert Astro's robotic chest with the

power generator and start to activate Astro's it gains his heart stronger like a million horsepower.Once his body was gained.they switch off the

generator fuse.and Astro has awaken.)We did it.

Astro(opens his eyes .):Huh?!! How do i feel?

Dr O Shay:You feel i want you to test your powers.On traning.

(First,Astro Flies through the brick wall with a single blow. Then Astro reflects the attack from the omega beam. and finally,Astro transforms into an

Astro Man to fight them without a single weakness.)

Now you're ready to beat Skunk without a defeat. With the Anti Omega Chip,you'll become unstoppable.

Detective Tawashi:Astro,we got trouble.It's Skunk. He's terrorizing the Metro city's park.

Astro:Now's my chance to Stop him.(He flies to the park to stop Skunk.)

Dr O Shay:Be careful Astro.

(At the park.)

(Skunk was bashing and smashing the park territory till it's becoming a destructo park.)

Skunk:Now i don't need those stinkin flowers to smell.

Astro(lands on the ground):Hold on there.

Skunk :O h,there you are. back for more?

Astro:You bet i will.

Skunk: (He bashed on the ground to push Astro away,but astro has reflect the push from the attack.and Skunk was hit on the ground.)
Why you!! Say,how did you get those powers anyway?!!

Astro:I got the chips from Dr O Shay!!

Skunk: Don't tell me it's Anti-Omega,is it?

Astro:Yes it is.

Skunk: Oh no, In that case.(He dashed back to the warehouse.But Astro flies to warehouse to stop Skunk.)

(In the Warehouse,Skunk quickly ran to the control to activate the crane. the crane then,carries Uran and Denkou to the largest Hot Molten metal

Last edited by teugene50 on Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:03 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

(As Astro reached to the warehouse.he was horrified that he saw his sister and Denkou who are carried to the largest pot of molten metal.)


Skunk(holds the lever): One step closer,and i'll drop them into the hot bubbly metal. So you will never see them again.

Astro:You won't get away from it.(He flies to Them. As skunk pulls the lever to drop them. He reached to Uran and Denkou and grabbed them safely just

in time.And Astro has placed them on the box. then,he pulls the rope and They were safe at last.)

Skunk:NO!!!(He dash to the Hartar Canyon.)You'll pay for this!!!

Astro(flies faster to stop him.): Oh no i won't. But you will surrender the omegas to me!!!

(He stops at the spot.And he use his strength to bang the ground louder.the ground starts to split.and he continues to bang harder.
until suddenly,Skunk has lost his balance and start to fall.)

Skunk(falling):Help me Astro boy!!!(Astro flies down to Skunk and grab him on his waist.and flies up again.)Oh,Thank you Astro. I thought i was going

to die.

Astro:So,are you going to surrender the Alias Omegas or do i have to let you go down?

Skunk(Horrified) :P erhaps,maybe i'll surrender.

(Meanwhile at Honch Valley,Mimi is walking to the market. But she saw Astro who was taking Skunk to Metro City.)

Mimi:Well,i'll be.Astro has save the day once again.

(Back in Metro City)

(Astro has handed Skunk to the police.and they take the armour out of him and place him to the police van.)

Skunk(in the police van):Maybe at least,i can be save in jail.

(Just then,another police car have came. and Uran has step out of the car with Denkou.and She embraced him happily.)

Uran:Astro.(Laughs happily.)You save me at last.

Astro:I sure did.And Skunk has finally surrendered the Omegas to her father at last.

Uran:What if Skunk comes back to steal the Alias omegas?

Astro: Don't worry Uran.He'll learn the most valuable esson of not to steal the most powerful Alias Omega from destruction again.

Denkou's father(embraced Denkou): Denkou!!!(Laughs happily)You're safe.

Denkou: Oh father.Astro has beaten Skunk by rescuing him.

Denkou's father:He sure did.(then,the police came to give the omega back to him.)

Police 01:Here you go sir, i believe this is belongs to you.(he took the armour from the police)

Denkou's father:Thank you,officer.

Denkou:About the armour....

Denkou's father:I know,skunk has created it. so i might want to keep this armour as a special gadget to the Ministry.

Detective Tawashi(walks to Astro):Excellent work,Astro.

Astro:Thank you,detective. Just doing my job.

(Later,In Metro City Shopping Centre)

And then,i swoop down to the falling quake and rescue skunk. then,i handed him to the police and save the day forever.

Kenichi:Sounds interesting,Astro.

Shibugaki:Yeah,you're one boy army who beaten Skunk with one right hand.

Astro:Shibugaki,i never beat skunk. Skunk has just beaten himself.

Shibugaki: Oh,i suppose.

Kenichi:So anyway,you save the city once again.
Last edited by teugene50 on Sun Aug 17, 2014 8:59 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Tamao:And without you, we wouldn't want the city to be in dystopia of the Evil Skunk.

(Just then,Denkou has approached to astro and his friends.)

Denkou:Hi guys,remember me?

Shibugaki:It's Denkou.(he runs to her and embraced her.)How long have you been?

Denkou:It's been a while(she blushes in red) won't mind if you please don't squeeze me too tight? i think i'm going to blush.

Shibugaki(let go of her.):Sorry.

Denkou:So guys,did you miss me often?

Kenichi:We sure are,Denkou.

Tamao:We remember you all the time,after ...

Kenichi(cover his mouth with a bread):Yeah,yeah. She knows already. so what are we going to do,Denkou? Wanna play arcade with us?

Denkou:Nyah. I'm not interested in games. Say,how about we could go to the toy store to check out some new toys?

Kenichi(excited):Wow!! sound's good to us.

Tamao:Count me in.

Shibugaki:Well what are we waiting for? Let's go to the toy store.

(They shouted"Hooray!!"happily and they all went to the toy store happily.)

The End.
Last edited by teugene50 on Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:00 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

Next episode novel: Dial 955 for Evil

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Postby teugene50 » 9 years ago

And Now. Dial 955 for Evil.

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