'First' names in Japanese

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Postby jeffbert » 20 years ago

I just stumbled accross Tenma's 'first' name in manga #8. But, in Japan, the family names come first. What do I call it? Haruka-Chan, please help me!!! :huh:

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Postby DrFrag » 20 years ago

Tenma is his "surname" - his family name.

In the 80s series when he was called Dr Boynton, this was his surname. Toby's name was Toby Boynton, but in the Japanese version they give it as Tenma Tobio (surname first).

What is Dr Tenma's given name, anyway?

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Postby DrFrag » 20 years ago

Oh yeah, and if you're wondering how to say his name in English, it's {firstname} Tenma. If you were in Japan, you'd say it the other way around. It pretty much comes down to which country you're in when you say it.

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Postby jeffbert » 20 years ago

Oh, no, no, no, no,no, no, no, no, yes.

Actually, no, but I wanted to quote the nudge-nudge sketch.

What I want to know is:

In Western cultures, poeple have first, middle, and last names.

Take Packedermus J. Elefun. The fist name is his what, personal name, well what would you call it other than his first name?

His family or sir name would be Elefun.

Now, take Tezuka Osamu. His family name is his first name. So, what do we call the 'Osamu' part. Is it his last name? Surely there must be a better term. ;)

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Postby Danny » 20 years ago

Well I don't know about japan, but here in australia *cough* we refer to the FIRST NAME as our CHRISTIAN NAME.

There is a LOT of christians over there, but I do not even know if the two terms are even related in al honesty. I am sure it could be googled tho.

What I would find interesting, is if there was a term for middle names. I personally refer to it as 'clan', as thru my own family tree the middle name is used to represent heritage. I am SURE (certain, even) that is only what my family does tho and not an 'official' term.
three and a half years.. for what?

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Postby Loüßëãr » 20 years ago

Being a fellow vegemite eater, I find that a lot of people to be PC are phrasing it as "Given, Middle & Surname" But I find people just yelling "HEY YOU" as well as others that won't be mentioned in open forum ;) I don't know why :huh: ;)

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Postby DrFrag » 20 years ago

Yeah, I'm with Loüßëãr. "Oi!" is also a common phrase. :D
Growing up I used to use the term Christian Name, which comes from the fact that they were generally taken from the bible (John, Matthew, Mark, etc).
Now I have a whole bunch of cousins with names like Denim and Kalesha.

Okay, so maybe I'm being too technical! :P The term actually makes me cringe now though. I mean, does Osama Bin Laden have a Christian Name? Does a person's given name really have anything to do with Christ? Perhaps our Christian Names are in Rev 2:17. B)

As for Osamu Tezuka, I'd use the terms Given Name and Family Name/Surname. That way there's no implied order. Except for Middle Name, if he has one. He also added the word "Insect" to his name, so we can call that the Fake Name. I registered a second middle name for myself a few years ago, so that can be my Opted Name. Yeah! Let's get complicated! I had an uncle who's name was Tom John David Henry William Watkin Morgan Lewis Metheringham Featherstonehaugh Wood. He gave us a jelly bean every time we got it right. :D

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Postby Strange Wings » 20 years ago

Originally posted by DrFrag@May 26 2004, 05:02 PM
Let's get complicated! I had an uncle who's name was Tom John David Henry William Watkin Morgan Lewis Metheringham Featherstonehaugh Wood. He gave us a jelly bean every time we got it right. :D

:lol: Please take no offence, but your uncle's name reminds me on this person:

Why is it that nobody remembers the name of Johann Gambolputty... de von
gumberaber-shonedanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm?

I wonder how the Pythons could keep that hell of a name in their minds :D .
- 手塚治虫先生の最後の言葉

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Postby DrFrag » 20 years ago

I love that one! I memorised it too! One time after church I was sitting with a couple of people explain how funny the skit was and what the guy's name was. I got half way through saying his name and the entire hall was silent with everyone looking at me.

I sort of trailed off and said "what?". :D

Great way to get the attention of a room of people.

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